Luxology’s modo is one of the fastest growing top-end 3D software suites in the market and the Apple Design award-winning software firm made modo extensible architecturally early on. A new modo 701 add-on is mARCH by Neil Hayes and it consist of a collection of easy-to-use plugins and scripts that aid in the process of creating buildings in modo.
With mARCH you can transition 2D drawing data into 3D structures or create conceptual designs more quickly as compared to using modo’s own built-in tools. The user can streamline tasks for modeling, measuring, geometry slicing, alignments, trimming openings with profiles for moldings, et cetera.
Key Features
- Precise interactive scaling based on single known length or a scale factor on one or two axis
- Interactive Alignment — uses novel axis switching method for alignment of mesh and vertices
- Polyline as Slice Tool – can use imported 2d polys for driving modo’s slice tool
- Scripts for Large Range Windows – tool will produce up to 50 windows in one gone of the same type and size
- The Sweeper Tool — allows easy alignment, scale and sweep of a profile along a path
- Lighting Tools — allow automatic lighting orientation towards selected polygons, grouping and flip orientations
- Bonus Content — window accessories, presets (sub-d models) and a range of UV-mapped chairs, tables, and picture frames designed by modo artist J.O. Rust
- More items — tools that help clean up mesh items, check poly orientations, extract drawings and elevations to new layers and much more

01 – mARCH is a new architectural modeling and visualization tool for modo 701. The add-on is also very reasonably priced.
mARCH for modo 701 runs on both OS X and Windows version, includes an online user guide with videos that demonstrate features and retails for 99.USD at this moment (introductory price). Will be 129.USD after that.
To learn more visit this page. You can obtain the kit from the modo Store.
Reader Comments
RT @architosh: mARCH Kit available for modo for architectural visualization: Luxology’s modo is one of the fastest growin……
RT @architosh: mARCH Kit available for modo for architectural visualization: Luxology’s modo is one of the fastest growin……
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