e-on software of Oregon, has announced a new video showing the latest Carbon Scatter 2 software in action. Released last December, Carbon Scatter 2 received worldwide recognition from both its users and international press.
Kurt Foster of Renderosity wrote: “Carbon Scatter 2 is rather addictive. You start using it one day, and before you know it–you can’t get enough of it! It is really nice being able to make millions of instances at the click of a button and still have interactive performance. With Carbon Scatter 2 you wield the power of millions or more!”
Carbon Scatter 2 is a plugin that generates multiple instances of plant life in 3D models. It supports over 100 3D plant species, which include trees. You can populate millions of instances across vast 3D model terrain.

Carbon Scatter 2 in action. This video on youtube gives a very good idea of what this software plugin can really do. This image shows it in Maxon's CINEMA 4D.
Carbon Scatter 2 works as a plugin to the world’s leading 3D software packages like Autodesk 3ds Max, Autodesk Maya and Maxon CINEMA 4D, to name a few. To learn more you can read here.
To see the video watch this now here.
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