[Editor’s note: We have corrected the software version, as Interstudio has made note that they have begun again from version 1 with the new dual Pro and Std. versions of Domus.Cad. 28 Jan 2013]
Interstudio of Italy has made several January announcements regarding its well-regarded Domus.Cad computer-aided design (CAD) software package. A legendary staple on the Mac platform and since the mid-90’s on the Windows platform, Domus.Cad has been substantially updated.
Domus.Cad Comes in Two Versions
The latest version, Domus.Cad 3D Pro v1, was officially released back in November of 2012. The big new updates in this version included new algorithms for transforming images in its built-in photogrammetry functions. It also has better support of Autodesk DWG and DXF formats, including support up to AutoCAD 2012. The user interface was also updated to accommodate today’s larger and high-resolution screens (think Apple’s Retina Display). Finally, the latest version supports Mac OS X up to version 10.8 and beyond. It is backwards compatible to version 10.4.

01 - Domus.Cad Pro v1 offers architects and engineers a true BIM 2D/3D CAD environment with multi-viewport, live-interactive model views in both rendered and vectorial render modes.
An important new feature is its vectorial render engine. In Domus.Cad 3D Pro 1 you can utilize editable elevations, sections, axo views and perspectives at the same time. These are fully interactive. Changes to the plan or other elements also update in live views.
Domus.Cad comes in two versions Domus.Cad Pro v1 and Domus.Cad Standard v1. Domus.Cad Pro v1 is a complete BIM (building information modeling) program, integrated with other software programs to manage an entire project.
Domus.Cad Standard v1 is also a 2D and 3D CAD program but does not have some of the functions of Pro. The program for instance does not support extensive internal computations and some of the specialized computations for the Italian Land Registry like DOCFA. Even with the Standard version there are optional functions that can be purchased later separately, like Floor & Roof, SuperStairs, SuperRailing, and DomusTerra. In essence you can custom-build your CAD package this way with Domus.CAD modules.

02 - Domus.Cad comes in both Pro and Standard versions and in Italian and English versions. The program runs on Mac 10.4 - 10.8 Mountain Lion and beyond.
Domus.Cad 3D Pro and Standard are available in a rent-to-own option as well as full instant purchase.
For those who are not familiar with Domus.Cad you can read about it here. It is a parametric-based 3D and 2D CAD/BIM program with strong connections to its sister software applications also by Interstudio. It has parametric architectural tools for doors and windows, plus walls with automatic healing (fusion), interactive 3D views, vectorial views and AutoCAD support. The Pro version includes the DomusTerra module for terrain CAD.
Domus.Cad Pro and Standard are available in Italian and International English. The current price for Domus.Cad Pro is 999.USD while it is normally 1,249.USD. There are rent-to-own options at 296.USD. Domus.Cad Standard is available now for 569.USD. There are euro prices online as well.
Interstudio’s other programs include the very well regarded Nonio C, DomusTerra 3D modeling for lanscape and civil engineers, a series of geo-tech applications and HighRoad, a road-design and simulation software. All these programs are developed on the Mac for cross-platform deployment. The Mac versions generally lead the Windows versions.
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