Architects in the Boston to Washington DC corridor may wish to participate in the upcoming BIM Camp event sponsored by global CAD/BIM leader Nemetschek Vectorworks, Inc.. The event sponsors also include the buildingSMART Alliance, Nemetschek Scia, Synchro, Francois Levy Architect, noted Small BIM book author, and Michael Bomba, Esq. Associate Counsel of the American Institute of Architects (AIA).
What is BIM Camp
BIM Camp is a one-day event where architects and landscape architects learn the skills they need to successfully implement Building Information Modeling (BIM) workflows into their practices. They will also learn how IFC-based standards benefit design teams, create sustainable and high-performing designs, and collaborate through Open BIM.
Why You Should Attend
Professionals in the AEC space are well aware of the BIM movement in their industry. Yet the transition to BIM is not easy and obvious. Many report that the transition to BIM is challenging and fraught with unforeseen conditions (see: “Architosh announces 2010 BIM Survey Report,” Architosh, 3 Mar 2010). Yet the industry is aggressively moving to BIM workflows despite these challenges because the benefits are overwhelming.

01 - BIM Camp takes place in Washington DC and is worth 4 AIA/CES. Plus you get a BIM Survival Kit for free. (image courtesy of Nemetschek Vectorworks, Inc. all rights reserved.)
With this event participants can learn how to implement BIM successfully. BIM Camp will teach the skills architects need to thrive in this new BIM world. BIM Camp attendees also receive a BIM Survival Kit, loaded with presentation materials and other resources. Plus you can earn up to 4 AIA Continuing Education credits.
Where, When and How Much
BIM Camp takes place on 24 January 2013 from 12:00 noon to 4:30pm. (EST). The location is at the District Architecture Center, AIA, DC, 421 7th St. NW, Washington, DC 20004. The cost is just 25.USD for students or members of the AIA, NOMA, Vectorworks Service Select and 40.USD for non-members of these groups.
To attend this event please register here:
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