Gehry Technologies (GT) has sent out a news blurb to their customers about a recent update to GTeam. GTeam is their just-released online project management tool (see: Architosh, “Gehry Technologies talks to Architosh about GTeam”, 11 Sep 2012) and offers AEC teams innovative new collaboration of BIM models and data during the whole of the design, build, delivery and management of structures.
New features mentioned in the news blurb include increasing performance for the use of multiple and “large” Revit files to help deliver a smoother experience when working with very large projects. The innovative live sectioning tool can help teams resolve conflicts by focusing on specific areas of the model and the company has improved support for DWG files with lines, curves and points.

01 - The new Gehry Technologies GTeam AEC SaaS offering. As you can see from this image the solution is platform agnostic according to the company but a viewer app is needed for the more advanced features. At the moment the server is only pushing out Windows .exe files for that.
One key new feature is that you can now gain more visibility with access to metadata from the original design files. And GT and further extended GTeam’s reach by including file preview support–which is accomplished by an internal and automatic conversion of data into optimized preview data–with additional image formats, including TIF, JPEG and BMP.
To learn more about GTeam go here.
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