Nemetschek Vectorworks, Inc., has announced that they will be revealing the next major update to their market-leading multi-platform CAD and BIM software, Vectorworks 2013. The live reveal event is free and takes place on 18 September 2012.
The Vectorworks 2013 product line continues to advance forward in the market by building out on its industry-leading industrial strength advanced modeling engine, Siemens Parasolid. This is the same modeling technology under-girding industrial MCAD heavyweights like UGS Unigraphics (NX 8), SolidWorks, in addition to Bentley’s Microstation product line. Vectorworks 2013 promises to deliver advancements across a range of capabilities including but not limited to:
- Intelligent 2D/3D design tools
- Robust BIM capabilities
- Enhanced interoperability for easy collaboration
- Smart parametric objects with IFC data
- Integrated rendering for graphically rich presentations
- Site Information Modeling (SIM) analytics
- Tools for draft light plots, set designs and exhibits
Innovative New 3D
While we cannot divulge key details, we understand that Vectorworks 2013 may include new innovative technology in the areas of 3D modeling and navigation. Earlier in the year at AIA National we had a chance to learn about these new technologies from Dr. Biplab Sarkar, Chief Technology Officer at Nemetschek Vectorworks. You can read about that here.

01 - Nemetschek Vectorworks to host "Reveal event" on 18 Sep 2012 for next major update to Vectorworks.
There is actually exciting new 3D tech coming in the next two releases but what the company managed to get implemented in version 2013 is not entirely known to us. We do know that it will help users doing BIM greatly and advanced 3D modeling projects within multiple industries in general.
Reveal Event Details
There will be several different “Reveal” event webinars to sign up for depending on your interest. If you want to learn more about Vectorworks Landmark 2013 there is one for that. If you want to learn more about Vectorworks Architect 2013 there is one for that, and so on for the various industry-specific product line-up. Learn more and sign up by visiting this page.
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[…] Vectorworks 2013 to be revealed next week: Innovative new 3D … […]
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