Luxion, the leading provider of advanced rendering and lighting technology and the makers of KeyShot, the first realtime ray tracing and global illumination program, today announced a new product in KeyShotVR, a patent-pending technology from Luxion that allows interactive viewing of photographic, high-quality rendered images via the Web.
So what is KeyShotVR? Well, it’s an integrated add-on to KeyShot Pro that automatically generates the code for embedding interactive 3D rendered content into any website or company intranet.

01 - This watch is exploding out by component layer while interacting with it through a web browser (Safari in this case).
KeyShotVR works by generating the VR content (images) and the HTML code for integration into a website and also the Javascript code to support progressive loading of images. Any web browser that is HTML5 capable can view the 3D content with just a mouse or a finger with touch-based (think iPad) device. KeyShotVR is not WebGL based and therefore can deliver the highest quality images possible to the widest variety of devices.
You can explore the interaction yourself by visiting the URLs in the links to the images below.
Moen faucet URL is here. Watch URL is here.
To learn more about KeyShot visit:
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