Graphisoft, a global leader in Building Information Modeling (BIM) software and technology, this week announced an important update to its unique BIMx iOS application for Apple mobile devices. BIMx, version 1.2.455 for iPhone or iPad, provides native support for the iPad 3’s Retina Display, resulting in crisper images and stunning virtual reality.
The new iPad’s Retina Display offers stunning graphics with over 3.1 million pixels powered by Apple’s multicore A5 chip. This technology brings a whole new level of mobility to professional, high-end visualization.

01 - BIMx on iPad in this image. The "joystick" is a dot on the lower right of the iPad's screen. With one finger you move it up, down, left or right to navigate just like in a first-person shooter (FPS) video game.
Graphisoft is the first software company to bring this level of performance and hardware utilization to a software application in the iOS market to the AEC space. “It is worth noting that architects operate with true, detailed BIM models and not only simple, image-mapped surfaces,” said Gabor Horvath, Director of Mobile Developments at Graphisoft. “Our biggest challenge–and competitive edge–is the way we approach a great user experience through uncompromized performance in all our applications.”
BIMx allows architects to explore than project designs in a 3D environment that supports real-time 3D navigation identical to mainstream computer games. The update, version 1.2.455, is available for free through the App Store or iPad interface.
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