IMSI pdf2CAD Now for Mac
IMSI/Design has had pdf2CAD for Windows for a bit longer but now the company’s product is made for Mac as well. The software tool converts engineered drawings saved in Adobe PDF format into DXF files which can be opened and edited using numerous CAD tools, including the company’s own TurboCAD and its popular new TurboViewer mobile applications for Apple iOS devices.
The software can also convert to HPGL format, directly from PDF. It supports batch processing to convert multiple files at once. The software concatenates characters to form editable words and lines of text and it maps fonts. Price is usually 199.USD. To learn more visit here.
KeyShot updated to 3.1
Luxion has updated KeyShot to version 3.1. Version 3.1 features an all-new rendering and animation set of options. This release introduces a patent-pending animation system, plus a revamped user-interface and over 600 plus materials. It also supports network rendering and new compatibility with 3DConnexion 3D mice.

01 - KeyShot 3.1 now supports a next-generation support for metallic paint textures where the user can control the dispersement of individual metallic flakes. (image courtesy of Luxion.)
With version 3.1 there is a next-generation of metallic paint support that contains visible metallic flakes, whose distribution can be individually controlled. This and many new features round out version 3.1. Learn more here.
Event: Bonzai 3D Organic Modeling Webinar
AutoDesSys will host tomorrow (16 February 2012) a Bonzai 3D webinar focused on organic modeling. The event takes place online at 1:00pm EST and last one hour. You can learn more and register here.
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