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Luxion Sponsors 2011 IDSA Student Merit Award in Enchanting New Orleans

Luxion, makers of KeyShot®, the first real time ray tracing and global illumination program, announced that it is the exclusive sponsor of the 2011 IDSA Student Merit Awards as part of the IDSA International Conference held in New Orleans, Louisiana, from September 14 -17, 2011.


Each year, the five Student Merit Award winners are invited to display their work at the IDSA International Conference. This elevated recognition serves to connect undergraduate design students with IDSA’s national scope while honoring them for their academic design achievement.

For the first time, IDSA called the 2011 Student Merit Award winners on stage to receive their awards.

“Academia is the place wherethe next great designers are not necessarily born, but shaped. Having access to the latest technologies that are on its way of being established as a standard in the real world is a fundamental part of a proper education that gets students ready not just forthe final exam, but for life after school.”

For more information on KeyShot 3

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