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Tidbits: SketchUp, T-Splines and SIGGRAPH News

Mac CAD and 3D News: We have tidbits on SketchUp in the classroom, Dassault Systemes 3DVIA Scenes, T-Spline training events and SIGGRAPH 2011


SketchUp News

Google’s SketchUp modeling program is becoming a standard within middle-school education in the US, the company reports. “Ask any 7th grader if they’ve heard of it and they’ll say something along the lines of ‘SketchUp is awesome!’ The company has produced a short video highlighting the modeling work of students here on YouTube.

Also, Aidan Chopra, SketchUp Evangelist, posted a story about Dassault Systemes’ 3DVIA Scenes and the use of SketchUp models imported into their 3D viewing technology tool. You can simply import a SketchUp model via a COLLADA export-import process into 3DVIA Scenes for virtual exploration with multiple users. You and your colleagues can explore the same 3D environment at the same time using avatars.

Importantly for Mac users, Dassault is working on Mac compatibility for 3DVIA scenes, so this feature is on its way. The company has also built an iOS app. We’ll write more about this new app soon.

T-Splines News

T-Splines has a number of training or introduction events this summer. Events in July coming up include:

SIGGRAPH 2011 – Vancouver

SIGGRAPH 2011 this year is in Vancouver, Canada. The conference takes place from 7-11, August, 2011. The exhibition takes place from 9-11, August.

This year Emerging Technologies will feature innovation trends in the area of display and input devices. A Technical Papers video preview can be seen here.

To learn more about the conference visit the main conference website:

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