Conceived, designed and documented using Graphisoft’s ArchiCAD BIM software, the Ark-Coca-Cola Place building has won the Rider Levett Bucknall 2011 Innovation and Excellence prize, marking the fifth award for this commercial high rise building in Australia.
This is Australia’s first commercial high rise building completely designed and constructed and handed over as a built model with asset management software using BIM. Designed by Rice Daubney and built by Thiess, Ark-Coca-Cola Place was completed in 2010. The A-grade office tower is in the heart of North Sydney and comprises 21 levels.
“Ark is what design excellence is all about–it is daring, iconic, and a true landmark for Sydney,” said Glenn Byres, NSW Executive Director of the Australian Property Council.

01 - Ark-Coca-Cola skyscraper wins fifth design excellence award. The project is a BIM achievement in Australia and was designed using Graphisoft ArchiCAD.
To learn more about BIM click on BIM in the cloud tag. To learn more about ArchiCAD click here.
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