Graphisoft is touting that another award-winning design has been produced with its award-winning BIM software ArchiCAD. The Fall 2010 ArchitectsJURY competition has been awarded to Mihai Macavei, an architecture student at the Technical University of Cluj-Napoca in Romania.
Mihai’s ice skating rink incorporates the “pirouette” movement in its design. Designed in ArchiCAD, the end product is a visual depiction of the deconstruction of the famous pirouette, represented in three layers:
- the structural pillars reflect the various positions of the skaters on the ice during the specific stroks;
- the trajectory describes the movements;
- the volume enclosing the rink is a combination of the first two ideas, and is the volume of movement.
“ArchiCAD is the most user-friendly software I’ve used, given its ability to serve as a central hub for all the other software I use,” Macavei said. “I’ve been focusing more on the design process as a method of communication, and ArchiCAD is an excellent partner for that,” he continued.

01 - Winning entry in the ArchitectsJURY competition for fall 2010. Scheme produced using Graphisoft ArchiCAD.
The ArchitectsJURY competition is aimed at finding the best architectural student work, as judged by visitors to, the student architectural community. For more information and images of the winning project go to:
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