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ARES Commander Edition ships for Mac

New ARES Commander Edition 1.0 for Mac offers Apple’s platform another solid 2D/3D CAD system offering, with a CAD engine built by Dassault Solidworks.


Graebert GmbH, of Germany, has announced that ARES Commander Edition 1.0 has shipped for Apple’s Mac OS X platform. The brand new 2D and 3D CAD system also runs on Windows and Linux platforms. It features full native cross-platform support on all three platforms.

Graebert claims ARES has full compatibility with AutoCAD, has the latest 3D support and Mac-native interface options. The company is seeking resellers and OEMs for Mac ARES.

ARES Commander Edition 1.0 for Mac

ARES on the Mac is the first CAD solution to run native across all three major platforms: Windows, Mac and Linux. The company is currently looking into iPad support.

“Khronos welcomes the use of OpenGL by advanced applications to leverage the hardware acceleration of state-of-the-art GPUs,” said Barthhold Lichtenbelt, chair of the OpenGL working group at Khronos. “Combining the power and cross platform flexibility of OpenGL and ARES Commander Edition for OS X on the Mac offers customers the choice of platform for their 2D/3D CAD needs.”

ARES offers industry compatibility and high performance features for mission-critical design workflows. It features the CAD engine that also powers the new DraftSight software from Dassault SolidWorks on the Windows platform. ARES on the Mac offers users the choice of a Mac-specific OS X interface or a more tailored UI that matches the Windows version. Both UI options are fully command compatible with AutoCAD, says the company.

“The pent up demand for a native Mac CAD solution has been overwhelming and we had thousands of requests by users wanting to be part of our initial beta test process,” said Wilfried Graebert, CEO and founder of Graebert, GmbH. “Now that we have a stable 1.0 version, we are delighted to show everyone just how powerful CAD on the Mac can really be. The announcement a few weeks ago of extremely powerful new Mac Pro systems only emphasizes that Apple has a great platform for high-end computing.”

A free 30-day trial of ARES Commander Edition for Mac OS X is available for download here. Cadalyst Magazine recently gave it a fairly positive review which you can read here. ARES requires a Mac running on Intel processors and OS X 10.5.8 or above.

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  1. […] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Lightworks, Graebert GmbH. Graebert GmbH said: ARES Commander Edition for Macintosh OS X is here: […]

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