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Webber+Studio wins Record “House of the Month” with Vectorworks

Webber+Studio architects wins an Architectural Record “House of the Month” award for a home in Texas using Nemetschek North America’s Vectorworks Architect.


Nemetschek North America has noted that Vectorworks-based firm, Webber+Studio, an Austin-based architecture firm, has won an Architectural Record “House of the Month” award. 

The studio purchased a 1947 craftsman-style home with an average sized lot (120×60 feet), and set about creating the house. “We never start a project knowing exactly what shape it’s going to take,” he says. “We knew a few things that we wanted, but mostly, as with everything I do, when you understand the history and geography, the things just design themselves.”

To see a gallery of photos and learn more about the project go here.

In other Vectorworks news, the company is embracing Web 2.0 and social media in its marketing and finding ways to explore these new Web avenues to reach its customers. Also, as previously noted here on Architosh the company has noted its exchange plugin for Vectorworks 2009 for Cinema 4D R11

The company also has a nice video tutorial on creating a 3D painting. You can watch that here.

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