solidThinking aims to spark interest among designers during a nationwide tour of the Industrial Designers Society of America (IDSA) regional conferences, taking place from March 27 through May 3, 2009. As a sponsoring partner, solidThinking will lead presentations and workshops for conference attendees to explore how technical advances in software design can influence the future of the design industry.
IDSA Northeast District
solidThinking will kick off its IDSA tour by presenting at the Northeast District Conference (27-29 March) on March 28. Jim Hassberger, solidThinking, Inc.’s vice president of business development and customer relations, will speak about the challenges and opportunities in product design arising from the combination of human thinking and computational inspiration.

solidThinking: enjoyed a good presence at its first Macworld Expo. The CAID company will be a major sponsor of the IDSA regional conferences throughout the USA this spring. solidThinking is gaining much traction due to its ability to run superbly on Apple's Mac OS X platform (in addition to Microsoft Windows) where a lot of younger designers revere Apple and are already Apple product users. Their ability to run a design tool like solidThinking on a MacBook Pro or Mac Pro combining its world class feature set with their favorite computer platform is a strong pull for them.
solidThinking will be demonstrating exciting new techniques in CAID (computer-aided industrial design) technology that enables today’s designers to explore and generate exciting new forms that are aesthetically pleasing as well as functional and adapted product engineering requirements. solidThinking has been gaining much attention in the USA market over the past year as the company has made great gains in academia and has caught the attention of today’s young designers. The product is one the just a few of the most advanced software programs specifically written for product and industrial designers that works natively on the Mac OS X platform–what Apple refers to as the “platform for creatives.”
In fact there is so much interest by younger designers today in working on the Mac OS X platform that Autodesk has taken its famed AliasStudio Tools to the Mac OS X platform too, with a native release planned for later this year.
Hassberger will be demonstrating to IDSA audiences some of the unique and industry-first technology in solidThinking, such as its powerful and unique History Tree functionalities.
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