Marketcircle’s Daylite Touch
Marketcircle was a star at Macworld Expo 2009 this year. The company’s booth was very well attended and the presentations in its mini-theater were always busy. The Canadian software company was there to introduce Daylite Touch for the iPhone. Daylite Touch is one of the premier applications available for the Apple iPhone.
In a sea of over 15,000 applications for the landmark smartphone, cutting edge and deep applications like Daylite Touch are a rare bunch numbering only in the hundreds. Marketcircle was there to introduce the product and demonstrate its features.
Essentially Daylite Touch brings the popular groupware product Daylite 3 to the mobile smartphone user, enabling them to do just about anything they would do at the desktop. This includes staying informed by managing your schedule and those within your company, sharing calendar data, adding and modifying appointments, working with tasks and to-do’s, managing project information and reviewing business opportunities.

Daylite touch on the iPhone and iPod touch. Above is a sample of how the product calendar looks in month view. Daylite Touch is remarkably deep yet easy to navigate from the top level of the app down into the deepest levels of group data.
Marketcircle has done some innovative things with Daylite Touch, including modifying the baseline Apple user interface for several API components like the iPhone Calendar so that there are literally improvements to the way the Calendar works within Daylite Touch, such as scrolling improvements. The product can stay in sync over WiFi, 3G and AT&T Edge.
Axiotron – the Modbook Pro
Axiotron had a huge booth at Macworld expo and we had a 30 minute meeting with its CEO to discuss the Modbook and Modbook Pro, the world’s largest and fastest table computer.
An aftermarket modification off the unibody Apple MacBook Pro computer, the new Axiotron Modbook Pro offers at 15.4 inch pen-enabled display with a pixel resolution of 1440×900 WXGA. The screen features a surface layer of the company’s etched, paper-emulating ForceGlass for optimal drawing and writing comfort.
We were impressed with the internals (show in the picture above) and how the company built its black, machined aluminum enclosure. We have a lot more to talk about concerning this product and its potential use in the AEC and design markets so look for a future report in about a week. We’ll also share some company background that is not well known.
SmithMicro – Company Showcases 3D Software Portfolio
SmithMicro Software had a very large booth at Macworld this year and was showcasing its Macintosh portfolio of 3D graphics software. The company publishes, develops internally, or simply distributes a large and growing array of old and newer 3D and design applications. On display at Macworld were products such as Manga Studio EX 4, the number one comic software worldwide. (see screen image below).
We spoke with Steve Yatson, Senior Director of Graphic Solutions, for SmithMicro Software, and he had some very interesting things to share with us about the various product lines (eg: Poser, Anime Studio, Manga Studio, GroBoto, etc.) and where the larger company is going with Macintosh software. We will cover that in a larger “notes” report but the key item he shared with us is that SmithMicro is incredibly committed to creating or publishing cross-platform (Mac/Win) creative software for various artists’ needs.
This was a wonderful thing to hear because some of the products in its portfolio had made upgrades recently on just the Windows side. He explained the reasons for some of these occasions and it had nothing to do with SmithMicro’s view of the Mac — which it holds in very high regard and sees as a growth platform.
In addition to Manga Studio, the company was also exhibiting and demoing products like the Poser and Poser Pro product line, GroBoto, and the new MashON SPORE Comic Book Creater.

SmithMicro was showcasing a full portfolio of Mac creative 2D and 3D software - here some of it runs on an iMac computer.
Other SmithMicro product line apps included RapidWeaver, Anime Studio, and ArtRage Deluxe.
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