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ADW Software releases Pythagoras GIS+CAD for Mac

ADW Software releases Pythagoras GIS+CAD and Pythagoras CAD+GIS to market for Mac OS X and Windows – Includes Pythagoras VBA Support for Extensibility


ADW Software, a Belgium company founded in 1991, has recently released two new products for the Apple Macintosh platform. Both address the GIS and CAD industries. 

Pythagoras GIS+CAD is a GIS program written specifically for the Mac OS X platform. It is extendable by means of Pythagoras VBA, an open programmable tool also available. 

Pythagoras GIS+CAD

Pythagoras GIS+CAD is designed to be used by local authorities, cadastral services, utility companies, urban planning and for scientific research. Its application is to analyse and visualize spatial information, without being limited to geographical objects only. 

ADW Software asks in their literature, “is it GIS or CAD?” Actually…it is both. Pythagoras GIS+CAD is part of a new generation of GIS software that is more intuitive yet very powerful, offering the many benefits of CAD added to the capabilities of GIS.

The program can handle the most complex drawing requirements, defined to scale at both real and paper space dimensions. An intelligent cursor technology aids in snapping to vertices (points) smartly. A context-sensitive control panel intelligently shows you data for the items under the intelligent cursor. Pythagoras GIS+CAD supports WYSIWYG for perfect prints, and there is a new Viewports technology to allow you to show both overviews and details in one document at any scale. And support for Sheets is a powerful way to manage the visualization of large projects. 

You can learn more by reading the PDF brochure here.

Pythagoras CAD+GIS

Pythagoras CAD+GIS is the upgrade path from Pythagoras 10, a CAD plus GIS software package designed for land surveyors, civil engineers (road design & urban planning), and construction companies. The updated and renamed program contains more than 50 new features, including the newly integrated GIS functionalities. GIS functions are fully integrated giving Pythagoras the advantages of both the CAD and GIS worlds. 

Pythagoras CAD+GIS and Pythagoras GIS+CAD are the only applications of their kind made fo the native operating system environments of both Windows and Mac OS X. To learn more read the PDF brochure here.

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  1. […] the rest here: ADW Software releases Pythagoras GIS+CAD for Mac | Architosh Posted under Uncategorized by admin on Wednesday 3 December 2008 at 11:50 […]

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