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Maxon releases CINEMA 4D AE Release 11 – Even Faster!

Maxon Computer releases new standards with latest Architectural Edition (AE) of CINEMA 4D R11


Maxon Computer, the world’s leading vendor of 3D modeling, painting and rendering software, has released the latest version of CINEMA 4D Architectural Edition (AE) release 11, featuring a whole host of new features. This latest release enables architects to quickly visualize their projects with little effort and even better quality. 

CINEMA 4D AE R11 – What’s New

New in C4D AE R11 is a new Global Illumination renderer. This rendering improvement means perfect natural lighting without the need to add additional light sources. C4D AE R11 offers seamless model data exchange between Allplan, ArchiCAD and Vectorworks. Round-trip functionality means no loss of data or geometric distortion. General improvements include:

  • 64-bit support on Mac OS X 10.5 (Leopard)
  • 3D mice support for Mac OS X
  • COLLADA import/export
  • Projection Man: highend 3D matte painting toolset
  • User-specific configuration files are saved to the user folder
  • Integration of sound into renderered animations (videos)
  • keyboard key choice can be configured to simulate right-mouse on Mac OS X
Additionally there are numerous interface and rendering improvements and new features. The Architectural Edition includes the Architecture Extension Kit (AEK). This kit includes tools and library items essential for architectural renderings. 
To learn more visit:
C4D AE R11 - Imported model from ArchiCAD 12

C4D AE R11 - Imported model from ArchiCAD 12

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