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No. 3: A Greener Apple – The world will expect Apple to lead
There is very little doubt in my mind that environmental groups will expect Apple to lead the world in environmental concerns for the electronics industry. For two reasons really. Firstly, Al Gore sits on Apple’s board. Secondly, Apple’s self-proclaimed status as the world’s top innovator in the world of computers, software and personal electronic devices obligates it to live up to its own hype. So it should please both Apple and those watching this issue that Greenpeace welcomes Apple’s latest and much “greener” MacBooks.
But there is more to this issue than meets the eye. The world has its eyes and ears focused on the US’s presidential election outcome. An Obama win prediction suggest that new energy policies and US investment in clean energy and higher environmental standards will further align both customer and client concerns around green design. This will become an opportunity for Apple, as I suggested back in this Architosh article here. Look for Apple to differentiate around green technology. Public pressure to be green citizens will encourage us all to support those companies that are contributing to a greener planet.
No. 4: Apple Market Share – Now Number 3 Computer Manufacturer in US
This Electronista article discusses summary highlights from IDC’s latest market share findings from the 3rd quarter of 2008. The big news is no news for most Mac watchers. Apple continues to grow at a rapid pace, far outpacing its industry rivals. Dell and HP may have lost some share and share growth at the hands of Apple over the summer, the article notes. In the worldwide market Apple is still not in the top five.
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