The OrthoGraph Architect App has been named the gold winner in App of the Year category and silver winner in the Most Innovative Product of the Year—SMB category in Best in Biz Awards 2014 International, the only independent business awards program judged by members of the press and industry analysts.
OrthoGraph Architect 3D
OrthoGraph Architect 3D is a floor plan survey and creation CAD app on the iPad. It is the first floor plan creating app with the so-called sketch and tap functionality: the software recognizes the freehand sketches on the screen and coverts them into walls. OrthoGraph uses measured distances and diagonals to create professional accurate floor plans with instant feedback directly on-site.
OrthoGraph Architect 3D is focused on the building survey market and not on overall CAD planning; it supports the BIM concept including the storage of additional textural/numeric properties and cameras as well.

01 – OrthoGraph Architect 3D is the first site drawing tool that supports a Leica DISTO distancemeter. More than just creating site survey plans, it creates 3D BIM models.
More than 200 public and private companies in all sectors of the economy from more than 30 countries competed in the Best in Biz Awards’ second annual International program. Best in Biz Awards 2014 International honors were once again presented in a range of categories, including Fastest-Growng Company of the Year, Most Innovative Company of the Year, Enterprise Product of the Year, Best New Version of the Year and Most Innovative Product of the Year. Winners of Best in Biz Awards 2014 International were determined based on scoring from a panel of 27 judges drawn from top-tier news, business, finance, and technology publications and media outlets from 17 countries, with all continents represented.
“The quality of entries in Best in Biz Awards 2014 International was very high in sectors that are critical to the future of the economy,” said Damon Kitney, business editor at The Austrian. “In the end, my choice came down to which business will have the most transformative impact, and it was hard to split them because they all are doing this in different ways.”
To learn more about OrthoGraph Architect 3D visit here.
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#CAD OrthoGraph wins ‘Best in Biz’ Award for App of the Year
#CAD OrthoGraph wins ‘Best in Biz’ Award for App of the Year
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