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Sign-up for INSIDER Xpresso, our free monthly newsletter with a focus on (emTech) in the AEC/O industries.
- Generally arrives on the 1st or 2nd Tuesday of the month, with exceptions.
- The first issue arrived on March 3, 2019
- A Special Feature each month explores a key (emTech) Emerging Technologies topic and its impact on AEC/O industries.
- Our emTech section is a finely curated world tour of AI, machine learning, AAD, AR, MR, robotics, 3d printing and smart cities content from the top sources in the world. If you care about the future of your AEC/O industry, you need to read this newsletter!
- Hear from some of the industry’s most important voices from practitioners, tech experts, and researchers.
- Executive summary of the most important CAD and 3D industry news of the month (from Architosh and beyond!)
I hope you will thoroughly enjoy this new INSIDER Xpresso newsletter and find its content both stimulating and helpful to your professional and student endeavors.