The Engineering & Building Area acts like a
sub-portal of resources for Mac engineers and building construction

- Civil
Engineering Magazine (Journal of ASCE)
- Engineering & Science
- Elsevier
- ScienceWeek
- Tools for Engineering Professionals
- Architosh's DPG: Digital Practice Guide has a FAQ section on
tools for engineering professionals on the Macintosh. Coming!

- Builder
- Buildings.com
- Engineering New Record
- DesignBuild
- Fine HomeBuilding
- Tools for Building Professionals
- Architosh's DPG: Digital Practice Guide has a FAQ section on
tools for professional builders on the Macintosh. Coming!

- American Society of Civil
Engineers (ASCE)
- Structural
Engineering Institute (SEI)
- Architectural Engineering
Institute (AEI)
- Institute
of Structural Engineering at ETH
- Earthquake
Engineering & Structural Dynamics at ETH
- Associated General Contractors
of America
- Construction Specifications
Institute (CSI)

- Design News: Resources
- Architosh's Design News page features even more design news
and resources for the entire design/engineering/building professional
community, including resources on furniture and industrial design,
environmental design, and advanced 3D digital design. Great links
to all of the world's best design magazines.
- Tools for Architecture on the Macintosh
- Architosh's DPG: Digital Practice Guide has a FAQ section on
tools for practicing architecture on the Macintosh. Every single
item your architecture firm could possibly need for practicing
architecture on the Macintosh. Coming!
- Engineering
- Below is a partial listing of engineering software on the Macintosh.
The Architosh Digital Practice Guide: DPG will eventually feature
more items.
- Dr.
Beam Pro and Dr. Frame
- MaxBeam & MaxQuake
- Maple 6 (Analysis
- MacRoad
- ENVI (Environmental)
- CalTech
Library System: Online Journals
- The California Institute of Technology's (CalTech) Library System
offers one of the most comprehensive online directories of academic
and professional journals, across a myriad of scientific, technological
and humanistic disciplines.
- Wiley
InterScience - Journals
- Technical and science publishing leader, John Wiley & Sons,
Inc., have a listing of their worldwide journals. Subjects include
architecture, building science, civil and structural engineering,
geology and electrical engineering, to name a few.
> Features > News
> Engineering & Building