By participating in the Firm Profiles series you gain a number
key benefits as well as help to reinforce the advantages of
the Macintosh platform. In addition to some of the benefits
below you help Architosh
fulfill its Mission.
- Reinforcing the Benefits
of the Macintosh Platform
- The Generation of Complimentary
Marketing Materials for your Firm
- Getting Your Firm Name Out
as a Firm & Technology Leader
- Showcasing Your Firm's Creative
- Helping to Springboard other
Publication Efforts

Participation in our Firm Profile series is open to all candidates
who meet some basic
criteria concerning their computer technology use. We
are very interested in firms that are pushing the envelope
or doing unique things with their computer technology but
also simply interested in featuring successful Mac-based firms.
Purpose Statement:
Educate fellow Macintosh-based design professionals on IT
related issues to demonstrate the strengths of Mac platform
2 -Inform
fellow Architosh readers of your firm's unique identity,
market position and abilities.
Produce complimentary content for use in your firm's marketing
and recruitment strategies.

The very first step is to write to us expressing interest
in participating in the Firm Profile series. You can contact
us by phone or email but we prefer the latter at this stage.
Please send inquiries to Anthony
Frausto-Robledo, B.Arch. Editor or call at 617-312-3305
during normal business hours (Boston time).

Email Packet Number 1 is what we send you to complete once
we have heard from you. This packet is self-explanatory but
centers on providing us with information on your firm that
will help us understand and learn about what makes your firm
special and what you do.

One we have Email Packet Number 1 sent back to us we will
schedule a time frame for an interview or schedule the interview
itself. Once the interview is complete and we have all the
requested materials from Email Packet Number 1 we will write
and create the article for your review and send you Email
Packet Number 2 which will contain further directions.
At this point the process is near completion and we will
send you a publication date.
If you have any questions about the Firm Profile
series please contact