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Synchronous is wonderful technology but it
is not a part of Parasolid. They built
that on top of the kernel.
I just have a few more questions but
my next one is about multi-threading.
We just saw your sister company Graphisoft
multi-thread parts of ArchiCAD
12 with
great performance results — and
yes some of that was also algorithm
optimization work too — have
you guys considered using a tool like
RapidMind so
that you can continue to focus on single-threaded
and yet gain the performance benefit
that comes from all these wonderful
Intel and AMD multi-core chips? The
world is increasingly going multi-chip
and multi-core, how will Vectorworks
use this?
That is a very good question.
We have looked at the work involved
in threading our code base for
multi-core processors (ed: note:
like Intel Core Due 2). It is
not as simple as people think.
Our rendering engine and now
the modeling engine are both
multi-threaded and we are in
the process of evaluating other
specific parts of the application
for performance enhancements.
It involves a lot of potential
locking issues and there are
some inefficiencies with multi–threading
as well, just as people mistake
64-bit computing as being automatically
better than 32-bit computing.
Well…I think that's the
whole argument and beauty of using
We are continuing to research
issue and have not yet chosen
a path. For the case of RapidMind
it is key that your code base
is disciplined and our code goes
all the way back to the mid 80's.
I see. So tools like RapidMind work
better on probably younger code bases
where there is much higher levels of
coding consistencies. This is very
technical stuff for most users and
readers but I just want to bring this
issue to light. So you are looking
at multi-threading but are still researching
the best path forward?
Last question. Your integration of
FileMaker into Landmark is very elegant.
It's beautiful. Why not work
with a third-party FileMaker developer
to tackle the cost estimation application?
That way you don't have to go
out and build cost estimation yourself?
That could be one way to do it.
But we are looking at XML and
the types of tools that have
been built exchanging data via
Thank you Biplab Sarkar for talking
to me.
You are welcome.
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