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Numeric Input
Objects are created using the prompts palette to specify
input parameters. In this example all points are being specified
relative to the first click point. The input can either be
specified graphically in the modeling window or numerically
directly in the prompts palette or a combination of the two.
(see 002)
Prompt Palette
The precision for which form-z is so renowned
comes from a combination of the ability to set the coordinate
system being used to be appropriate to the task at hand and
form-z's ability to snap precisely in 3d better than any other
program on the market.
The Project Working Units dialog allows you
to specify the coordinate system the prompts palette will
use. The key decision here is the ability to specify the use
of a relative coordinate system so that all size input and
move parameters happen based on the position of the object
you are trying to effect. In addition one has the easy ability
to decide to use the world's coordinate system or specify
the size or movement along the active plane's coordinate system.
These settings can also be changed on the fly in the prompts
palette (note the little checkboxes labeled "A"
"W" and "C" on the right of the prompts
palette). (see 003)
Working Unit Settings
By using this system you're able to numerically
specify the size of objects or the vector of the move you
are trying to accomplish along whatever coordinate system
is most convenient for the type of object you want to create.
Snap Overview
Snapping in form-z is a pleasure to use. The
single greatest thing I can say about it is that it just flat
out works. There is a full compliment of standard snaps available
that can be used singularly or in whatever combination the
user requires. There is also a "Snap to Center of Face"
(the third one down on the palette labeled Object Snaps) that
are very helpful for positioning and mirroring/rotating objects.(see
Snap Settings
When one accesses the snap preference dialog
box (by double clicking on a snap icon) you can specify how
the program handles the z value of the point you are snapping
to. By locking the drawing to the first point you can, for
instance, draw an overhanging roof by specifying a rectangle
to snap first to a point on the eave and then to a point on
the slab below without changing the fact that the rectangle
is being drawn parallel to the ground.
Page: formZ 4.1 - Working on Multiple Levels of Geometry
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