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AFR You have a very nice web site. Is that something you developed in house?

MJ No we had that done outside the office, by The Sketchbook Co., but we really knew what we wanted, how some things should work. I really wanted a bunch of movement to happen, and I wanted it to be graphically engaging, I didn't want it to be static.

"We'd really like to use it as a place to showcase not only architecture, but also maybe films about architecture, photography, artwork, furniture, etc.."

So we really pushed the guys to their limit, even beyond it. You know it is just what we do right here in the studio, really try to push everybody to their limit, including myself, so that we can see what we may come up with, see if we can't transcend something, see if we can figure something new out.

AFR Do you see your web site luring clients into your office? I ask because it is always an interest to other architects who don't yet have web sites.

MJ Yes, I think that a lot of people have really liked it and we have had quite a response from it.

AFR Do you see your site growing to take on the information management of projects through the various stages?

MJ The computer itself?

AFR No, your web site.

  MJ The web site...[Interrupted]

AFR Using the website as a tool for information sharing and so forth.

MJ You know we haven't yet. We've been discussing that and I would like to do it.

We envision the web site as a place of movement of all kinds; we'd really like to use it as a place to showcase not only architecture, but also maybe films about architecture, photography, artwork, furniture, etc... This is our plan for the physical world as well; where our offices become a magnet for all the disciplines we enjoy and benefit from.

AFR That sounds like a great plan...and I sure hope things go that way for you. You obviously have a great nack for putting together various aspects of artistic disciplines.

MJ Thank you.

AFR Your site, for example, is one of the better architecture web sites in the US in terms of engagement, at least to my knowledge and I've seen a lot of them as you might expect.

You know it's been great kicking off this new Firm Profile series with your firm—you have some great computer graphics and it has been exciting to me personally just looking at them. I wish you continued success.

MJ Again, it's been our honor to be a part of Architosh. Thank you.

That ends our interview and our first installment of the Firm Profile series. Please feel free to click on some of the computer renderings below and on other pages for enlarged versions to view. If you are interested in being featured in a Firm Profile please email us.





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