
INDEX 01: All Mac 3D Apps—Alphabetical Listing

HERE WE HAVE our complete (mother) list of 3D software applications for Apple’s macOS platform. The list below is a broad, non-category list simply in alphabetical order. Industry app lists can be found here and here.

Naturally, we expect that we have missed some applications that you, our reader, may know about. We hope you can write in and share this information with us. We will appreciate that very much, and those that do will get a free annual subscription to architosh INSIDER membership as a sign of our appreciation.

Some Notable mac OS 3d applications

There are so many apps we can say are notable within the industry so our three chosen apps will appear quite random to many. Let’s begin with three that represent some of the biggest communities of users. On the top of that list is Trimble’s SketchUp. The app has been downloaded 35 million times and comes in both free and pro (paid) levels. With the Pro version users gain the critical ability to import key file formats like AutoCAD DWG from which to work over as a base.

The second notable app is Maxon’s Cinema 4D, a standard bearer in the animation industry for the broadcast and TV segment. It is also a popular renderer in AEC and is gaining traction in industrial design segments. It has been rumored to Architosh that Apple’s IDG (Industrial Design Group) is a heavy Cinema 4D user and many of Apple’s most amazing product creation animations are pulled off with this tool.

01 – SketchUp has by far the largest user base in the world for any CAD or 3D application. It is a mainstay across numerous industries.

02 – Maxon’s Cinema 4D is the gold-standard for several animation industry segments, but used across several industries.

03 – Chaos Group’s V-Ray is the industry darling renderer within the AEC community, working with nearly all leading CAD/BIM tools.

The third notable app is Chaos Group’s gold standard renderer, V-Ray, which comes in the form of plugins for all the leading CAD/BIM and most leading 3D modelers. The image above is from V-Ray for Rhino. The realism and accuracy and general performance of V-Ray make it a standout among the crowded field of rendering contenders—of which there are many superior choices.

This is the master mother list. For industry-specific lists visit here.


INDEX 01: A complete “alphabetical-ordered” listing of 3d applications for macOS

We have over 114 macOS native 3d applications in this list. We will add to it when we learn of new ones—and we are sure we will learn about new ones.


Growing This List

Have we missed a key software package you use or make that should be on this list? If so please email us at and tell us about it.

We will be sure to add it to the list at the next update AND we will give you a complimentary annual subscription to Architosh INSIDER premium membership.

series index page: Mac 3D App Guides for AEC/CAID/VFX and Animation industries

Architosh will be reviewing and updating all our App Lists on a regular basis. See the dates below.

Listing of Updates by Date

7 Oct 2018 — Creation Date

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