
RealityScan for Android

RealityScan publicity screenshot.

RealityScan publicity screenshot.

Epic Games and Capturing Reality have released their RealityScan app for Android devices. This powerful, free-to-download photogrammetry app lets users create high-fidelity 3D models of objects, simply by taking photos with their Android smartphone or tablet.

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Users can then export their models to Sketchfab and share them with the rest of the world. Moreover, the models also work in other applications such as Unreal Engine and Twinmotion.

3D sample bread roll scanned with RealityScan. Image: Epic Games.

Epic Games originally released RealityScan for iOS devices back in 2022. So far it has seen over 200,000 downloads and thousands of models created and uploaded to Sketchfab. Now that RealityScan is available for Android too, it puts this free-to-download photogrammetry application into the hands of almost anyone with a modern smartphone or tablet.

Sketchfab is a 3D modeling platform website. Consequently, its users can publish, share, discover, buy, and sell 3D, VR and AR content. Additionally, Sketchfab has a viewer that uses WebGL and WebXR technologies that enables its users to display 3D models on the web. These models can be viewed on any mobile browser, desktop browser or on a Virtual Reality headset.

Exporting your models from RealityScan to Sketchfab is free. The number of models you can upload to your Sketchfab account per month depends on your Sketchfab plan. However, new users are automatically be upgraded to Sketchfab Pro for free for one year on their first uploads.

New and improved

The latest release of this RealityScan also offers a streamlined user interface and more intuitive workflows. These are a few of the improvements:


Please note that RealityScan for Android requires an Android smartphone or tablet, running Android 7 or above, that supports ARCore. Alternatively, if you are an iPhone user, then you require an iPhone or iPad running iOS 16 and later.

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