
Lumion version 12.3—Free Update Advances Visualization

Lumion’s latest update makes it easier to visualize every detail behind an architect’s designs. The latest Lumion free update, version 12.3, offers simplified workflow enhancements to adding in the detail to visualization scenes.

In the Details

Lumion says the idea behind the latest free update is making every detail count, because “it’s the details that make a design feel alive.”

New in the software is 142 built-in surface decals to add to any surface in your scene and rendering project. And for users who want to add their own decals, they can import them. Importing custom decals means architects and designers can transform surfaces in interiors to showcase creativity at its highest, from art pieces to walls that are entirely art, such as murals inside or outside in urban conditions.

New custom license plates are just one of the cool new features in Lumion version 12.3

Decals can also be used to add imperfections to wall surfaces, adding discoloration, dirt, and damage—all things that add realism.

With new volumetric light effects, architects can create a dramatic glow of light across space, enhancing spatial aspects and dramatizing spatial dimensions. This can really bring exteriors to life as well, particularly with landscape lighting.

There are new custom license plates and over a hundred newly animated nature items for animating scenes. There is also the ability to add more layers in Lumion projects.

To learn more watch this video below. Or reader here.

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