VECTORWORKS 2022, THE PRODUCT LINE, was just recently announced, and it boasts powerful updates to its BIM and CAD technologies, including flexible ways complex multi-component walls can terminate into each other and various openings in buildings. It is also the first and only globally competitive Building Information Modeling (BIM) authoring application fully natively written for any ARM-chip desktop computing platform.
Regarding its ARM-based codebase, Vectorworks 2022 is natively written for ‘Apple Silicon’—Apple’s M1 (ARM architecture) based Mac computers. We have written a separate article around just this topic alone because Apple’s M1 chip has single-handily shook up the entire desktop computer industry with its leading performance per watt characteristics. You can read more about Vectorworks 2022 and the M1 in detail here. (link).
MORE: The ARM Wars: Vectorworks 2022 is the First BIM on ARM — the M1 Interview
Vectorworks CEO Dr. Biplab Sarkar noted on our recent call that in order to prepare the Vectorworks codebase for the M1 chip, the company had to resolve numerous chip compatibility issues. “We had 120 plus dependencies, and some of them we could resolve ourselves, and others were beyond us because we did not have the source code,” says Dr. Sarkar. “So, we had a lot still to work out in just the past two months.”
Dr. Sarkar noted that all but one issue got resolved in time for the launch of Vectorworks 2022. SketchUp import has yet to be resolved into a native ARM-chip code base for that particular function because the company is still waiting on Trimble. “We did solve this, however, writing an ARM-based wrapper making the Apple technology take the calls over to Intel,” says Steve Johnson, Chief Technology Officer.
To me, the biggest new feature in Landmark is the new components technology for soil, so now we can actually model subsurface terrain—rock, gravel, sand, et cetera—and you can have them in non-uniform thickness.
Other than that one item, Johnson characterized their development transition to Apple Silicon as an “M1 story that is almost too good of a story.” And all the performance goodness isn’t just reserved for those who are on the Mac version using the latest M1-based Mac computers.
A big part of the performance story in Vectorworks 2022 is the switch-out from the OpenGL graphics API over to the newer low-overhead graphics APIs for both the Windows and Mac platforms. So, Windows users gain speedups thanks to DirectX technology, and Mac users achieve speedups thanks to Metal technology. Most CAD industry technology today is largely still on OpenGL. (See our explainer at the end of the article.)
Powerful BIM Updates
The title of this article mentions powerful new core technology, but this has nothing to do, per se, with semiconductors or operating systems. Vectorworks’ reengineering efforts seem to be relentless in improving performance for its users’ benefit.
The new BIM Wall technology reorganizes walls and their component geometry into the same internal organizational structure as used in other architectural objects in Vectorworks. This makes reporting and internal processing easier and more reliable. The previous wall structure limited both users and what the developers could provide in the way of computational data.
01 – Advancements in Vectorworks 2022 with respect to its Wall Tool involve new Parasolid elements enabling powerful take-off capabilities and much more. (click on images to see larger views)
Without getting into geek-talk territory (for those who like that, definitely read the other article), this new organization means that each component of a wall (e.g., ‘drywall’ layer) is now exposed in a consistent way making powerful volumetric and dimensional qualities of basic objects within the Parasolid geometry modeling engine easy and consistent. It means that modeling functions that are available for a cube in Parasolid are good to go for the drywall layer in your wall.
So now, Wall components in Vectorworks 2022 can perform creative modeling (geometrical) terminations—into themselves, other layers of the wall, and most importantly, windows and doors. (Image 01) And all of this termination flexibility is managed through parametric inputs via command dialog boxes.
Before we mention the newly rewritten Stairs Tool, I want to say that the new Walls technology has meaning to the new Worksheets and underlying database technology updates. Dr. Sarkar says, “when you report on a wall, you now get fully meaningful data for volume and areas.”
02 – The latest release offers a much-improved Stair Tool that users will likely enjoy interacting with. That’s because you can literally push-pull modifications on stairs as well as initially layout stairs in 3D much easier than before.
Along with the Walls technology update—which is a core technology update that leverages the Parasolid geometry modeling engine—Vectorworks Architect 2022 also features an improved Stair Tool. (Image 02 ) The new stairs technology makes it dramatically easier to create most types of complex-shaped stairs. It does this by allowing direct-editing modes of manipulation. You can easily place a stair against custom geometry rather than by only using stair pattern templates. And once a stair is in place, you can now edit them in 2D and 3D modes using vertex editing tools already familiar to Vectorworks users, plus push-pull explicit modeling techniques similar to the Clip Cube functions already in the program.
Worksheets and Data
Vectorworks 2022 features more powerful worksheets and reports functionality. There are essential user-interface improvements in the worksheets. New search functionality helps users develop complex functions for their calculation needs and new logic types to allow for more powerful worksheets.
02.1 – This complex wall wasn’t manually modeled in 3D but rather automatically modeled in BIM using Vectorworks Architect’s new advanced Wall Tools technology.
Now that the Wall tool is entirely revamped and wall components are Parasolid entities, it means these worksheet updates enable Vectorworks users to create material take-offs at a new level of detail and accuracy. (Image 03) Take a look at this complex building with angled wall surfaces turning into voids and windows. (Image 02.1) These complex surfaces can now all be accurately measured thanks to the combination of new Walls technology and powerful new worksheet functionality.
03 – Worksheets are greatly enhanced and improved in Vectorworks 2022 with more robust database capabilities connecting to data in areas like the new Parasolid-based Walls technology.
And speaking of material take-offs, most are typically done in Excel spreadsheets today. “Our goal is to have a live link to Excel eventually,” says Dr. Sarkar. “That is the way we are thinking about that issue.” He notes that 70 – 80 percent of current Vectorworks users are currently doing material take-offs in Vectorworks using worksheet data, so these new capabilities make a lot of sense.
next page: Visualization and Graphics, Forward-Looking and More…
Visualization and Graphics
Vectorworks 2022 now offers a Direct Link to Twinmotion, supplementing its direct link to Lumion and Enscape. That latter link only works for Windows users as the popular Lumion is Windows only, while Twinmotion works across Mac and Windows.
Another new feature in Vectorworks 2022 is the support for Redshift by Maxon. This GPU-based biased renderer enables highly accelerated photorealistic rendering inside Vectorworks itself without pushing out the 3D model to another third-party program. (Image 04)
“Redshift is a separate rendering solution that complements our existing use of Maxon’s Cineware renderer,” says Dr. Sarkar. So, users can select which one they want to render with; those with powerful GPUs may opt for Redshift. “I can see in the future Maxon will join these two technologies up into a single package that other Nemetschek companies like us can integrate into our solution,” he adds.
04 – Redshift Rendering is another new render mode in Vectorworks’ built-in rendering arsenal, technology that comes from its sibling company Maxon of Germany. Redshift will be a renderer of choice for those with powerful GPUs like the new AMD Radeon Pro W6600 Architosh just recently reviewed.
Dr. Sarkar also answered questions I had about real-time raytracing onboard in Vectorworks via Redshift. “We think that the global illumination technology is going to go away, and everything is going to be replaced by Redshift,” Dr. Sarkar adds. “Maxon is also working on an IRR renderer (interactive raytracing renderer) that will make use of both the CPU and GPU.”
Many readers may not know about Redshift. Redshift is one of the hottest new rendering solutions to emerge since Vray and is the world’s first GPU-enabled biased renderer. It is used across multiple industries and sectors, including film and television and special effects.
Redshift is a separate rendering solution that complements our existing use of Maxon’s Cineware renderer. I can see in the future Maxon will join these two technologies up into a single package that other Nemetschek companies like us can integrate into our solution.
In some ways, the next feature to talk about builds on getting ready for the day when Vectorworks has even more powerful onboard Redshift rendering built-in. And that is the new direct texture mapping. Dr. Sarkar adds, “this is something that our users have requested for a long time.” Now users can apply textures directly to individual surfaces of objects and modeled objects in Vectorworks. And they can do this on a per-face basis while still benefitting from the old way of applying textures based on Vectorworks Class. Steve Johnson adds, “it’s a sign that we are moving in the ease-of-use in 3D and BIM like we have been talking about for a while.”
Other Industry Sectors
Architects and Interior Designers are together the largest user group of Vectorworks, and they largely use the same product (Vectorworks Architect). Still, Vectorworks Landmark and Vectorworks Spotlight are separate products for landscape design professionals and entertainment design professionals, respectively.
Both products got many significant updates too numerous to get into in this article. One worth mentioning is Dr. Sarkar’s favorite new feature in Landmark. “To me, the biggest new feature in Landmark is the new components technology for soil,” he adds, “so now we can actually model subsurface terrain—rock, gravel, sand, et cetera—and you can have them in non-uniform thickness.” (Image 05)
05 – New in Landmark 2022 is the ability to accurately take off sub-surface soil volume data, even in strata of non-uniform thickness. This is a powerful new capability that will enable landscape designers and landscape architects to accurately measure volumetric items like crushed stone, rock, sand, various soil types, et cetera.
The global pandemic made a significant impact on entertainment professionals. So, sales of Spotlight slowed down. The company’s efforts then turned to education and scaled and flexible pricing so these types of professionals—who often have little time to do training—could upskill in preparation for a return to live entertainment and a rebound for their industry.
The majority of Vectorworks Spotlight customers are in theater and concert design, while a smaller group are connected to film and television set design. These environments, however, are rapidly changing, as the TV market, in particular, has become highly competitive with the likes of Amazon, Netflix, Apple, Disney, and others battling for precious subscription dollars. For those familiar with the hit show “The Mandalorian,” the way that show is shot is revolutionary, with a live, real-time wrap-around screen broadcasting scenery that moves and can be filmed simultaneously with actors. These environments involve more machinery, screens, wiring, lighting, and support structures—all things that Spotlight addresses as it continues to implement new technology. Spotlight’s features allow content on the screen to interact with lights, actors and other critical elements, which also helps save on waste one might see in typical set construction.
Dr. Sarkar says that one area tangential to Spotlight’s current users is the audio design industry, a market that is even larger than the lighting market. He admits there are areas that the company can target next, but Spotlight continues to grow today organically in the markets already mentioned.
With Vectorworks 2022 product line up just out the gate, it is too early to judge the take-up on this latest version. Architosh is aware that some users have been waiting for a native M1-supported version. We think the BIM updates in this release are significant given the amount of reengineering work that went into the Apple Silicon support.
On the other hand, we are not entirely sure how difficult the Apple Silicon support truly was compared to the switch from PowerPC to Intel back in 2005. Dr. Sarkar and Johnson have both strongly suggested that their long-term reengineering plans and the frameworks for those plans have led them to sunny green pastures, where output is now bountiful precisely because of the wise decisions laid out years earlier. The VGM (Vectorworks Graphics Module) is one such good example. (see: Architosh, “Details on Vectorworks Graphics Module (VGM) in new Vectorworks 2014,” 13 Sep 2014)
While Vectorworks has long been perceived in the industry as one of the most robust and popular CAD industry stalwarts, with a truly global user base, it has sometimes been left out of the elite BIM program comparisons partly because it has been so successful as a hybrid CAD/BIM solution across a range of industries, including urban planning and landscape architecture where BIM isn’t nearly discussed as much as architecture but increasingly is showing more importance.
Despite this multivalent focus across AEC and M&E (media and entertainment) sectors, as of today, Vectorworks is the world’s first BIM solution on the most vanguard platform—Apple’s ARM Mac platform. The reason why that fact is such a huge deal is that many experts expect ARM chip performance to continue on its steeper performance per watt trajectory over Intel X86 for years to come, and this may ultimately upend the AEC software industry. The stellar performance of Vectorworks on ARM Macs gives the company and its customers on that platform not only flexibility in terms of hardware deployment but significant performance bonuses. Meanwhile, solid updates continue to boost capabilities across all of their industry product sectors while keeping an eye on possible new ones.
Editor’s Note: OpenGL Explainer
This multi-platform graphics technology makes it easy for developers to write code once that can run on Linux, Windows, Mac, and other computer operating systems. The downside is that the OpenGL graphics drivers for every OS are more verbose in the way their code needs to abstract OpenGL for each operating system. By adopting DirectX for Windows and Apple Metal for the Mac, Vectorworks 2022 picks up significant graphics speedups. The company may release detailed test results later, but CAD industry publications like Architosh may publish tests sooner.