
Tidbits: Apple and Hyper Reality Displays and more

3D Display Technology Research at Apple

Earlier we published a brief report on Apple’s possible use of a new 3D display technology which tracked the movement of the user’s body and head in order to rotate and move around 3D objects within the computer interface. Readers interested in that story will likely find this MacRumors piece centered on Apple patent research filings also of interest.

We are a bit fascinated by this new technology and its possible use in upcoming Apple products for obvious reasons. 3D subjects are a main part of what Architosh is all about. Today there are innovative 3D mice that enable the user to navigate around around 3D objects or within 3D spaces. These products work very well compared to alternative methods.

What Apple may be planning with Hyper Reality 3D Display technology can extend current methods. If you look closely at the Apple patents referenced above you will notice that 2D user interface interaction is also possible. To what degree uses may want to move their heads and bodies to interact with such display technology is an interesting question.

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