Cinema 4D R11 – First 64-bit 3D Package on the Mac
Maxon Computer, a subsidiary of Nemetschek Group of Germany, has announced today at Siggraph 2008, the next version of its award-winning 3D software suite, Cinema 4D R11 (release 11). This is big news for Mac users because it marks the first fully native Mac OS X Leopard 64-bit capable 3D package. Only under Leopard does the all-new Cocoa-based architecture support the advantages of 64-bit processing, enabling very large memory assignments to large 3d projects. Other highlights include a new global illumination (GI) render engine and non-linear animation system.
Vue 7
e-on Software has made a major announcement with a brand new Vue-7 series of products for natural 3D environment creation design. The fully native Mac OS X applications includes anew Radiosity renderingengine, the 3rd generation patented EcoSystem, and a new Spectral 2 atmospheric engine.
Bunkspeed, the makers of the world’s fastest 3D rendering technology in HyperShot, an application first introduced at COFES and covered by Architosh, has now introducedHyperMove, an all new next generation animation application, combining sophisticated CGI technology with ease-of-use that is unprecedented in the world of computer graphics. Bunkspeed says that within minutes a user with little or no 3D experience can now create stunning animations of significant complexity with its new HyperMove application.