OrthoGraph of Hungary has announced a small but key update to their flagship product, OrthoGraph I.
New in OrthoGraph I v 1.7
One of the benefits of using this software to do building survey work is that it works with numerous laser distance meters (LDMs) which speeds the process along quite quickly. Now in version 1.7, OrthoGraph I is compatible with two types of STABILA brand laser distance meters. Models LD 520 and LD 250BT are compatible via a Bluetooth connection between LDM and the OrthoGraph I software running on your smartphone or tablet computer.
STABILA LDMs have been developed over many years with close collaboration with input from craftsman representing numerous varied construction trades. OrthoGraph says that STABILA’s popularity has inspired them to make their software compatible with these LDM devices.
01 – OrthoGraph I is now at version 1.7 and adds three big new features, one of which is the ability to work with new STABILA LDM devices. To celebrate the new version the company is offering 50% off at this moment.
Also new in version 1.7 is the added ability to measure across rooms. Users have been asking for this feature as it speeds up the overall building survey process. Those who measure by tape measure know that often it matters to measure across rooms to increase accuracy and provide cross-check measurements. So not only can you measure accurately within rooms but now across different rooms. This is an exciting feature and one we at Architosh would actually like to see in action soon.
MORE: Product Review: OrthoGraph I—Building Survey System for AEC Pros
Another great new feature is the ability to export and import native OrthoGraph (.ORT) files. Why would you want to do this? By exporting native files users can share their work across mobile devices, valuable when others take over building survey tasks using their own device as well as for when device flexibility. This helps manage overall OrthoGraph I projects easier.
Finally, there is improved DXF export from OrthoGraph I version 1.7.
To celebrate these new feature milestones the company is currently offering 50 percent discount on the price of the software. To learn more or download a trial of the software please visit here: https://www.orthograph.net/get-the-app/