Graphisoft has made its free version of BIMx capable of displaying and accessing the full set of project information, including both 2D documents from the BIM model as well as the 3D BIM model itself. Accessing the “hyper-model” no longer requires a PRO license.
Graphisoft says this change makes mobile PDF viewers, of which there are many on the market, entirely redundant for accessing ArchiCAD project documentation on construction sites.
Changes to BIMx Versions
BIMx PRO (paid) now provides an on-demand measurement feature on iOS for both 2D documentation layouts and for 3D Hyper-models. As a result, BIMx users can take measurements (length, area, angles) on Hyper-models using mobile devices. In addition, the real-time magnifier tool on layouts and the smart point/edge snapping functions and guidelines in 3D provide intuitive help.
01 – Graphisoft changes BIMx licensing options enabling complete full access to BIM data for BIMx Free users.
The BIMx update also includes a number of functions for Android users, previously available only on iOS, including: On-site photo attachment in a BIMcloud Teamwork message, Google Cloud Print support, Hyper-link recognition on schedules and direct access to any cloud storage. BIMx is available in the App Store and on Google Play. Visit the BIMx product site or view this short video for further details.
Upcoming BIMx Live Webinar
A live webinar on Tuesday, September 20 will roll-out the new features found in the BIMx update. Click here to register for the free event.
Architosh Analysis
We have written much about this award-winning mobile tool, particularly from its innovative way of visually and logically linking 2D drawings—which clients and the public understand architects produce—to BIM models. This connection is important because BIM is a foundational technology that underpins the many new types of activities and value-propositions that 21st Century architects can and should be offering society.