While our news report summary covers the entire product line-up, in this product review we will be looking at the product Vectorworks Architect 2015 specifically. In an adjunct product review, Architosh will be focusing concentrated effort in doing a complete review of Renderworks 2015, the product add-on software that focuses on both artistic and photo-realistic rendering and animation capabilities. As such, we will not be touching upon rendering improvements in detail in this review.
We should state, however, inasmuch as it makes sense for continuity, we will be mentioning the whole of the visualization workflow at some level.
Getting Started: Big Things First—The Vectorworks Graphics Module
The Vectorworks Graphics Module, or VGM as Nemetschek Vectorworks calls it, is a proprietary custom-coded OpenGL rendering engine. Dr. Biplab Sarkar, chief technology officer of Nemetschek Vectorworks, Inc., has stated in the past that the VGM is like a hybrid between HOOPS and the Unity Game Engine. We have written a complete feature on the VGM before (see, Architosh, “Details on Vectorworks Graphics Module (VGM) in new Vectorworks 2014,” 13 Sep 2013.) and in it explain that the VGM is specifically an OpenGL rendering engine—not a photo realistic rendering engine, like say V-Ray. It’s important that readers understand the difference between these two types of rendering engines.
The VGM itself has four parts, an Engine, a Scene Graph, a Geometry Engine and a Render Engine. We won’t explain all of these here but they roughly work in order as listed. It’s the Geometry Engine in the VGM that enables features such as the Clip Cube and is responsible for preprocessing items such as the shadows and lighting and section geometry. New in the VGM this year is under-the-hood plumbing improvements that bring about features such as general speed up, animated transitions between views, and, importantly, the new Wireframe views which are now rendered through the VGM itself—in other words, through OpenGL.
The above Vimeo file shows the new “animated transitions” feature in action, including the typical 3D views and Saved Views in perspective and more.
One of the star new features of interest to many users will be the ‘animated transitions’ between views. (see video file above) This is a wonderful way for users to experience a project as it keeps the spatial orientation intact for the observer, whether it be architect or client. A particular nice way to experience this feature is with ‘Saved Views’ which allow Vectorworks users to create a set of sequences of particular views of a project. One turns on view transition animation within the Interactive settings of the Vectorworks 2015 preferences.
Another visual feature is the new Hidden Line rendering mode, which is now partially OpenGL-based; when in active 3D navigation modes (zoom, pan, walk thru, flyover, etc) Hidden Line mode taps OpenGL and is now very fast and fluid. Upon final Hidden Line render, that output is then not OpenGL based. (see image 02)
One of the coolest new features is the ability to turn off colors in OpenGL mode. The various new visual representations of your work with this new option is quite interesting….interesting because you can maintain shadows on, edge conditions on, et cetera. Dropping color also helps visually in observing selected faces in push-pull mode for modeling, but only marginally over most colors. (see image 01)
Last but not least in the improvements coming out of the new and better VGM is mesh smoothing with crease angles. Both the imported files are smaller and the options for importation of SketchUp models are different. Now users have a cleaner and less complicated approach to how they import Sketchup models, deciding on mapping imported SU objects as Vectorworks Architect elements (3D poly elements, ie.: walls, floors, etc) or 3D meshes. (see image 03)
next page: The Second Biggest Things—New BIM Features
The Second Biggest Things—New BIM Features
Beyond the extensive VGM-based features, the most impactful changes to architects in Vectorworks Architect 2015 will be the BIM features and chief among those is the new Level Constraint System for Stories. The big change here for those who are already Vectorworks users is the concept of “layer-less” levels.
This new feature enables users to have much better control of the individual components of walls with respect to various heights (for bottoms and tops of wall elements) of walls. Once properly understood, it is quite easy to send a basement wall up two stories but bring the brick veneer for that wall only down to the proper level of a relieving angle or brick shelf (ledge).
Breaking It Down
The new level constraint system appears in several places in the software—including Object Info palette, Stories setup, and Wall Types modal palettes. Before you can access levels you need to make them in the associated Stories setup palette (see image 04)
04 – A new Levels Constraint system in Vectorworks 2015 helps eliminate the unnecessary expansion of ‘design layers’ in Vectorworks files while greatly adding flexibility to BIM capabilities of components.
The first order of business with a new project will be putting effort into establishing the basics of stories in your project relative to your file layers setup.
Stories and Levels
In a test file we created one layer called Floor-1 and associated it with one story (Story-1). Rather than create numerous design layers at various Z axis heights, levels were created for things associated with Story 1 both above and below this particular floor of a building—such as ceiling, button of structure, foundation, et cetera. And as you can see from the image shown above (image 04) one assigns various elevation offset values, relative to the Story elevation.
Wall Types and Levels
Within each Wall type there are now options for assigning wall components to Story Levels in terms of setting their top and bottom bounding Z-axis value (i.e.: controlling their height in space). For our brick wall test (AA-test-wall) we are going to edit the Brick Veneer and Air Space components and set them so that their Component Top value is Relative to Story not the default Relative to Wall.
06 – In this view we assign the Bottom constraint of the wall to the Ceiling of the story below level.
In the first edit we have set the brick veneer top component value Relative to Wall (default) while changing the bottom component Relative to Story and then at the drop-down left it at the default setting ‘Layer Elevation.’
This means that despite the entire wall being draw at Story 1, and that the bottom bounds have been established in the Object Info palette to reach down to the story below (Basement slab), the brick veneer component stays pinned to the layer elevation associated with Story 1. (see image 07). If we change this and select it to another level (say Ceiling Below) the brick ends at the level of the ceiling in the basement (not yet drawn).
Object Info Palette Control
Levels now appear in the Object Info palette under the Height Section. In addition to a wall’s height data there are two new fields for Top Bound and Bottom Bound values, really drop-down menus from which you can choose relevant Story Levels as just mentioned above. You can also type in offset values into fields for each bounding level, giving users additional flexibility. (see 07).
While there may be more 3D appeal in the new curtain wall tool (next) the new level constraint system is the purer BIM application feature improvement in Vectorworks Architect 2015. And stories can now overlap in their z-axis dimension, solving the challenges with mezzanine levels that existed before.
Curtain Walls
In Vectorworks Architect 2015 the new Curtain Wall tool replaces the old Window Wall tool from before. The new curtain wall and storefront tools are integrated into walls and the specifics of the glazing pattern options are set as a type of wall style. Because curtain walls are now a type of wall they behave like walls completely in relationship to other walls and other element types like roofs.
08 – The new Curtain Wall tools are a type of wall type complete with specific wall curtain wall style editable types.
We found the new tools powerful but took some time to get used to. The nicest feature is the specific Edit Curtain Wall tool command. It is quite easy to modify specific vertical and horizontal frame elements by dragging and inputting a dimension into the heads-up display dimension boxes. (see image 11). One can create playful curtain wall patterns as well, sliding vertical and horizontal frame members around to your heart’s delight. (see image 08). And you can also create a full glass corner in a curtain wall by eliminating the corner frame members. (see image 12).
12 – It is possible to create glass corners in curtain wall layouts by eliminating the frame members at the corners.
Using the default curtain wall styles is a better starting point than making them up from scratch. It’s faster because elements are already classed correctly as a starting point. And one does not need to be afraid of altering the custom patterning of a specific curtain wall with applying an update to the curtain wall style. Changing frame and panel settings does not touch the overall pattern of a curtain wall layout—only the Edit Curtain Wall tools do that. One option however does ask to delete and redraw the elements from scratch if you edit a style. If you choose that option it will break all your previous layout work—including all the doors added into the walls.
09 – Editing a curtain wall style can automatically update all instances of that style throughout a project BIM.
10 – The curtain wall edit mode tools are quite nice to work with and make deleting, adding and moving specific frames as simple as dragging with numerical input and smart snapping.
11 – After making room for a door, add a door to the curtain wall the same way as a normal wall. Doors smartly size to curtain wall frames.
Nemetschek Vectorworks’ curtain wall tools in the new version are a big update to the BIM capabilities of this program, and a great starting point for further refinements. Some architects enjoy doing specialized caps on curtain wall designs, and the application of vertical fins and shading devices. You can still apply such modeled elements but they won’t live as part of the curtain wall styles yet. The update would require the ability to use more complex ‘cap shapes’ than the rectangular profiles defined in the Frame Definition section of the Frame Settings. That would be a really nice addition in the future but does not diminish the joy and power of these new tools today.
New Walls Creation
In Vectorworks 2015 there are new wall creation and editing features starting with the new rectangular wall mode. This new mode is a quick time-saver feature compared to the old ways of working with walls and wall networks. Using the Trim tool you can remove any wall segment between two joins with a single click.
next page: Third Things—And There Are Many
Third Things—And There Are Many
As a BIM and CAD tool for architectural professionals, it makes sense that the company puts the right amount of wood behind the most important arrows. At this stage of Vectorworks Architect’s development, that means it should be its 3D geometry model, navigation, and visualization capabilities—as well as parametric controls for building elements. Much of this was done in the VGM features covered above—and in the BIM features just mentioned. However, architects still make drawings and they are important.
There are many features in Vectorworks Architect 2015 that jump out at you, with respect to the making of drawings. Some of them even hark back to the VGM, as in the case of the Clip Cube caps which make models look solid in section views. Section views are some of the most exciting ways to experience presentations, so this is important. (see image 13)
13 – Clip Cube caps seal model forms at the section cut, with a solid colored surface. The color is editable.
Despite the era of BIM and Nemetschek Vectorworks’ strong efforts to push the popular software for architects in the BIM direction, each major release never ceases to provide at least a half dozen of excellent drawings-oriented features. We want to highlight three of them.
New Text Features
It is now possible to assign a class to a text style. This will mean that all text assigned to that class will inherit the text style for that class. For example, say you have a secondary class for dimensions, separate from the default one. You can give it a specific text style setting, which includes things like font, color, size, et cetera. This has many potential uses, like creating text styles for schematic design drawings that are different than working drawings. (see image 14)
14 – You can now assign Classes to use a text style, that will control all aspects of text placed in that class.
Also new with text items is the ability to set tracking with a visual drag bar, greatly expanding one’s ability to manipulate text. Both of these features will no doubt be very popular with existing Vectorworks Architect users. Some offices struggle with text size standardization despite general CAD standards and this makes that problem even easier to tackle.
Gradient Opacity Control
Another interesting feature included in Vectorworks Architect 2015 is the new gradient opacity control capability. You can essentially add various degrees of opacity and transparency to your gradients. This has some compelling uses for many users. For landscape architects it can enable you to have tree and brush forms with gradients but you can see through them partially and to the degree you wish. For site design professionals, it can enable the function of showing areas that are under lights at nighttime. This could be most helpful for parking layouts and sites shown at evening with lights. For architects it can enable soft shadow edges which can improve the visual effects of elevations, both interior and exterior. You can even use a gradient for glass textures that visually are designed to communicate the reflectance of the sky and horizon yet now they can have some degree of transparency.
3D Hatching for Hidden Line Rendering
The new 3D hatching for Hidden Line rendering is a Renderworks 2015 feature. And, as mentioned, we will be doing a thorough independent review of Renderworks 2015 in the weeks ahead. However, this new feature—which Nemetschek Vectorworks has really touted—is something we should briefly touch on in this review. First off, it relates to Vectorworks 2015’s overall emphasis on VGM improvements and visualization options. Secondly, architects working in BIM mode exclusively (or non-exclusively) will enjoy these new features.
Essentially, Vectorworks Architect 2015 provides users with associated 3D hatching in lieu of ‘textures’ when rendered in Hidden Line mode, which, as mentioned above, is now partially OpenGL-based. In other words, rather than rendering a scene in OpenGL mode, complete with ‘textures’ for realistic brick, roofing, siding, et cetera, you can now have a classic black and white Hidden-Line render option that substitutes in a matching set of 3D hatches. (see image 15).
15 – 3D hatches are now mapped to OpenGL textures for a substituted visual look when models are rendered in the new Hidden-Line mode.
This new feature will also make drawings sharper as the ability to substitute 3D hatching for textures in Hidden Line views means numerous viewports (axon, side views, top, etc) can now be rendered out with 3D textures. This will spruce up presentations! We will get deeply into this feature in our upcoming Renderworks 2015 review. Suffice to say, this is a really great new addition to Vectorworks Architect.
Other Important Changes and Updates
As Vectorworks Architect 2015 continues with big BIM feature improvements some minor changes in the back end get supported updates. Previously the default render mode for changing between Top/Plan mode to a 3D view was Wireframe but this is now editable and OpenGL can be chosen. This is a big time-saver for those users working, more or less, exclusively in a BIM mode.
We have not hit on this with any degree of detail but both stairs, spaces, and doors and windows all received worthwhile updates. It is now possible to create more complex stair layouts, including triple L-configurations and stairs with runs set at user-defined angles at their landings. With Spaces you can edit the room finish settings directly in a database worksheet.
In the area of Interoperability, Vectorworks Architect 2015 advances its abilities with PDF. Now you can crop PDFs within your document, as well as enable or disable snapping to PDF page objects. And now PDF/A, the archival format, is supported as an export option under the Publish command.
Also in the area related to working with others, especially external consultants and teams, are the new Class and Layer Management improvements. A new ‘description’ text field has been added to the Classes palette so all users interacting with files gain a description of the classes. This description field has long been missing, but now included it means that when you export out to other programs you can see this text field. In the example below we added remarks about the Sill class in Vectorworks 2015 (image 16) which you can see carried over in the DWG export to Dassault DraftSight (image 17). This furthers interoperability and makes it easier for consultants using AutoCAD, for example, to better work with architects using Vectorworks Architect 2015.
16 – New class management options include new Description field to help others know what a class is about.
17 – New class descriptions export out to other CAD systems. Dassault Systems viewing DWG export shown here.
There are also new abilities to quickly assign single or multiple objects to classes via the Object Info palette. Lastly, Vectorworks 2015 comes with new content libraries, including Arroway Textures®, and a new Vectorworks Remote App that turns your iPhone or iPad into a handy ‘remote’ for controlling a computer running Vectorworks 2015.
The Vectorworks Remote App is a sensational idea and allows someone in a conference room to control the experience of navigating models, sheets, viewports with full layers and classes controls, ability to turn on and off lighting, et cetera, all from their conference room chair. This is fantastic for group meetings in conference rooms with large computer screens.
Additionally, Vectorworks Nomad now supports 3D viewing of Vectorworks files so users can experience BIM models in walk-through and fly-over modes, as well as zoom in and out. While these two new iOS apps are important additions to the latest version of Vectorworks software, Architosh isn’t thoroughly reviewing them herein. They both deserve a dedicated review which we hope to implement in the months ahead.
These are the major feature improvements in Vectorworks Architect 2015. Many of them are core to Vectorworks Fundamentals 2015 while others are not. We have not distinguished each so please visit the Nemetschek Vectorworks’ website for more information on the breakout of updates across the product lines.
Closing Comments & Recommendations
In closing the Nemetschek Vectorworks team did a super job with this particular release. There is actually a lot more here than meets the eye. We want to back up, however, and summarize this program two ways: one for its existing user base and one for new users. Clearly the company listens to its users—and those writing product reviews for that matter!
We think what is tough for the company is balancing the level that goes into pleasing two different sets of users. On the one hand, Nemetschek Vectorworks is famous for having legions of users around the world who are very happy using what is arguably the best overall, balanced 2D/3D CAD and illustration software package in existence. Many of these users have not made the jump to true BIM. The second set of Vectorworks users are those who have made the jump to BIM. Remarkably, in this release it is clear just how much effort the programing team put into the software on the BIM side. As the industry moves further into the BIM transformation, it seems that the Vectorworks folks understand where the focus should be…and are striking the correct balance.
As for those legions of dedicated users who are not so sure about BIM, the company has its work cut out for them. Expend great effort to educate those users on the virtues of BIM in Vectorworks Architect (and how to make the jump) or simply spend those resources making further refinements to the program they already love as it is?
That is the question I am sure the company’s leadership debates at length.
As Vectorworks Architect continues to advance as a full-fledged BIM tool the company could logically afford to raise its price.
In terms of the software, Vectorworks Architect 2015 packs a big BIM punch. While the new HTML5-based help is a thank God they did that update what is missing now in the ‘help department’ is an easier experience ‘on-boarding’ users to several of the new BIM features. Jumping into the new Level Constraints system is not for the faint-at-heart. And for those BIM cross-over users, getting used to the ‘Vectorworks way,’ they too need additional help. Video tutorials should be the answer.
There is one killer new feature in Vectorworks Architect 2015 that I am dumbfounded by. The new Animated Transitions is a great new addition—especially when using Saved Views. But a new method of packaging those sequences in a controllable palette with a keyboard shortcut would make it possible to enjoy sequenced animations in a more elegant way. It is perfectly understood that the new Vectorworks Remote App helps fill this issue. But not everybody wants to grab their iPhones for this process all day long. A competitor program uses a tabs interface to allow this. And another thing: some animated transitions are too fast. A speed setting would be nice, even if it just slowed down the group of views consistently. Also, it would be nice if the new OpenGL options, such as colors or no colors, could have a shortcut toggle option, like the ones for Clip Cube and Show Line Thickness.
Beyond these little items, though, Vectorworks Architect 2015 is a fantastic new update to the venerable multi-platform CAD leader and we have given it our highest rating. For existing users Vectorworks Architect 2015 is a must update if you are using the tool within a BIM workflow. If architects are using it for extensive modeling of both residential and commercial structures the new BIM features like the Curtain Wall tools add much to your workflows. For those who are largely still 2D bound, whether it is a ‘must upgrade’ depends on what resonates with your particular practice methods. —- ANTHONY FRAUSTO-ROBLEDO, AIA, LEED AP
Pros: Tremendous new set of BIM features including new Curtain Walls tools, Level Constraint system, superb new OpenGL and Hidden Line rendering options and other visualization niceties; fundamentally powerful advancements in its Vectorworks Graphics Module custom OpenGL rendering engine; now 64-bit throughout; excellent new improvements for SketchUp files from 3D Warehouse; excellent interoperability features in PDF/A, latest DWG/DXF, etc.; new Class management improvements and interop improvements in new Description field for Classes; several stunning new 2D and drawings related features such as opacity control with gradient fills.
Cons: Very few faults in the implementations of new major features; system needs method of ‘on-boarding’ users to some of the more advanced BIM features so they can put them to use more quickly; new Animated Transitions is missing needed ingredient—ability to control it better for saved views; still no new workgroup or team capabilities.
Advice: This very BIM focused update is a must for architects using a true BIM workflow, even the Constraint Level system alone makes it a no-brainer if you are doing big multi-story structures. Yet, no update comes with just one good feature and this update is packed with many excellent ones. Architects will enjoy the new VGM-based features and OpenGL Hidden Line rendering is a standout feature. For larger firms, limitations on teamwork or workgroup features means that these organizations working on larger projects must figure out ways around these “larger scaled” workflow challenges.
Cost: Vectorworks 2015 comes in several Industry Series versions. In this review I focused on Vectorworks Architect 2015, with limited discussion of the Renderworks 2015 package, as that will get its own review shortly. This review does not review the other Industry Series solutions. Vectorworks Architect 2015 with Renderworks has an estimated retail of 3,145.USD.