
Parallels pushes more Windows users to Mac with new software

Parallels has come out with a new Switch to Mac Edition of Parallels Desktop. The company presented its software to Architosh last week in a private webinar and we were deeply impressed with how far this company has gone to help migrate Windows users to Apple’s Mac OS X platform. 

Why Switch Edition – Why Now?

Parallels Desktop Switch to Mac Edition is not only the leading virtualization solution for Mac users seeking to run native Windows applications on their Mac, this new version goes extremely far to help those new Mac users adjust to their new platform of choice. With Mac adoption accelerating, Parallels saw a big opportunity in the market to further boost sales of their product. They decided to do this by making Parallels more than just a virtualization program but a pathway to a happy migration to the Mac. 

“We are seeing an opportunity in the shift in the market overall,” said Mary Starman, Director of Global Marketing, Consumer Parallels, “where the market may have reached a tipping point for Mac adoption. Mac units are increasing quarter over quarter even though the rest of the industry is down.”


01 - New Parallels Desktop Switch to Mac Edition.

Switch Edition for Parallels Desktop will help new users who are brand new to the Mac platform get up to speed using a tool that equates Mac tasks to Windows tasks. And this is all down in a friendly video-based environment. 

Goals: Switch to Mac Edition

The primary goals behind this software are to help users learn the Mac, keep their investments from their Windows world, and enable them to run Windows when they really do need to. 

“What sets this product apart,” said Saied Ghaffari, Parallels Desktop Instructor, “is we invested a lot in tutorials to help users learn.”  Mr. Ghaffari understands exactly what that means in terms of helping users to learn software, he previously worked at Apple and understands his former employer’s cultural standards for ease-of-use. With this product you can come from the world of Windows and learn the Mac in literally a couple of hours. 


02 - Screen shot of the instructional environment. Notice video help instructor, help hints and instructions.

The product employs what the company calls Click and Learn technology. Literally click on anything on the screen and it will teach you about it. Next is you can watch it in action with onboard video instruction and lastly there is the You Try technology which guides you through the process of steps in learning. To see how this works exactly there is a demo video here online. 

To learn more go here:

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