has been updated today with additional features built into the site on every page. As part its ongoing development cycle Architosh has implemented a new view All Tags function just above the Tag Cloud in the right margin of each page. Clicking on the view All Tags link will take you to a paginated listing of all 780 plus tags in Architosh’s publishing system. Furthermore, you can search through these 780 plus tags within the search box on each All Tags page. Fully paginated and alphabetically listed, the new All Tags pages give readers a new way to explore content on the site.
New View All Tags pages, paginated listing of over 780 tags. Numbers in parenthesis indicate the number of story posts associated with this tag.
Readers can scan the tags to search for company, brand, product and names of prominent CAD/3D software individuals, as well as technologies and terms.
Architosh Gets Twitter Integration
Additionally, Architosh’s editor-in-chief, Anthony Frausto-Robledo, has a Twitter account and these new mini-blog posts now appear on each page in the right margin below the tall ad. Updated in real-time, these feeds from this Twitter account will normally link to items of interest relating to areas both inside and outside of CAD and 3D.
Twitter Feeds (at right) from Architosh's Editor. Click on the links to explore interesting items across an array of topics both in and outside of the world of CAD/3D.
Finally, the home page now limits the number of Features and Reviews listed on it and reorganizes the Blog posts above the Events posts. These are just a few of the items Architosh has planned throughout the year. As always, if you have comments, feedback of any nature or feature requests of the site please email us.