
Ideate launches Automation 2.0 for Revit

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Ideate Software has just released Ideate Automation 2.0, a Revit plugin that automates and performs time-intensive BIM (building information modeling) tasks in the background. Adding Ideate Automation to the workflow offers high-level insight to stakeholders who want to maintain easy access to critical Revit BIM data without opening and reviewing the data within Revit itself.

Defining a list of Revit files. This list can be used for creating PDFs.

Ideate Software’s Director of Software Development, Glynnis Patterson tells us:

“The cost of paying staff to watch their computers churn through opening large Revit files or processing large volumes of data can be significant. Ideate Automation is a scripting tool that works with Ideate Software to run those time-intensive tasks in the background while staff works on other activities, or even during non-working hours.”

Ideate developed its range of applications to solve problems in AEC/O (Architecture, Engineering, Construction, and Operations) workflows. Ideate Automation was developed to increase the efficiency of its other Revit plugins by running time-intensive activities in the background.

Ideate Automation 2.0 can run unattended on a dedicated computer or on a person’s computer while they work on other things. The resulting data is standardized and free from end-user errors because the repetitive, error-prone work is done automatically by a script.

On its own, Ideate Automation can be used to export PDF files. However, the full extent of its power becomes apparent when used in conjunction with other Ideate Software products, for example:

About Ideate Software

Ideate Software is an Autodesk AEC industry partner and Autodesk authorized developer. Ideate BIMLink, Ideate Explorer, Ideate Sticky, IdeateApps, and Ideate StyleManager were all developed to solve persistent problems in architecture, engineering, and construction. You can download 14-day trial versions of Ideate’s entire range of software products from here.

Meantime, a multi-user network edition of Ideate Automation 2.0 costs USD 1,995.00 and can be purchased here.

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