
Chief Architect Software announces Chief Architect X7

Chief Architect Software announced the latest version of its flagship 2D and 3D CAD software during the recent International Builders Show. Chief Architect uses smart building technology to create 3D renderings, construction documents and materials lists—a much faster design approach than traditional software.

Chief Architect X7 — Latest Release

This new release, Chief Architect X7, supports both the Windows and Mac platforms and offers enhanced tools and advances to existing features to improve design experience and productivity.

Select customers are using X7 beta today and the final release is scheduled for all customers in Q1 2015. Chief Architect software targets the professional design market – architects, builders, remodelers and interior designers. The Chief Architect family includes the following products:

New Features

New features in the X7 release include, an Object Painter/Eyedropper to quickly match properties from one object and apply them to another object. Smart Cabinets can now have multiple faced fronts making it easy to create vanity style cabinets. A new Stepped Cutting Plane Cross-Section tool to slice through models to create very specific views. A detailed feature list is on the web site at along with a summary video of the new features.

01 – New features in the X7 include Object Painter/Eyedropper

02 – Chief Architect Room Planner app currently runs on Apple iOS but will be available for Android

“With each release of Chief Architect, user productivity tools are a key focus.” says Greg Wells, President and CEO. Chief Architect X7 is integrated with our mobile Room Planner app to capture as-built measurements. Chief Architect continues to provide software tools to improve productivity beginning with the as-built drawings through the completed construction drawings,” says Wells.

Chief Architect X7 supports both Windows and Mac

Chief Architect runs on both the Mac and Windows platforms with a single software license. Chief Architect Premier sells for 2,695(USD) and the Interiors version sell for 1,995(USD). The software includes one-year of support, upgrades, training videos, and catalog content downloads. You can purchase or download a Free Trial Version at Chief Architect’s main home page.

About Chief Architect Software

Chief Architect Software is a leading developer of 3D Architectural home design software for builders, designers, architects, and DIY home enthusiasts. Chief Architect uses smart building technology to create 3D renderings, construction documents and materials lists – a much faster design approach than traditional software.

Architosh Analysis

Chief Architect has traditionally been quite popular in the builder’s community while often being overlooked by architects. When the Mac version came out in 2014 several Architosh readers, who were architects and loyal to the program, wrote in to tout its abilities as long-time fans of the software. While I had been familiar with the program for years, it was never given much focus due to its inability to run on Mac hardware. The product is actually a reference for what a BIM product can be in the residential construction market and has features unique to the design of homes.

In this latest X7 release beta some of the notable features visible in the What’s New video include a very sophisticated parametric cabinetry design builder, which will save designers, architects and builders tons of time and allow them to be endlessly creative. There is also a new intuitive stepped cutting plane Cross Section tool which allows you to select the section cut line in plan and adapt it to cut through two separate planes (each half on a different line) to produce a more meaningful building section; it updates the building section immediately. Numerous other improvements, including a transparency features, were items that drew notable attention.

We also must commend Greg Wells, CEO of Chief Architect Software and his leadership team for implementing their iOS companion product, Room Planner. As a tool to capture “as built” or existing conditions measurements, this is a important supplement for residential design market.

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