
In-Brief: Rhynamo is now Open Source

The CASE folks have shared that the source code for Rhynamo has been published to Rhynamo is CASE led open source project under the MIT license and is maintained by CASE.

Rhino + Dynamo Coding Mashup

This is the first time we have learned of Rhynamo and are not entirely sure of all the details. What we do know is that it merges some of the technologies of Rhino with the open-souce Dynamo project.

Rhynamo is a C# project being developed using Microsoft’s highly regarded Visual Studio. If only Apple had something as popular as Visual Studio…but I digress.

Rhynamo relies heavily on McNeel’s OpenNURBS library and because it relies on this one does not need Rhino the 3D modeler in order to work with the Rhynamo project.

01 – image courtesy of The Proving Ground, All Rights Reserved.

Those interested in learning more can visit The Proving Ground website to leaner more and follow the key links on this project.

Architosh Analysis

We have written at length about how unfortunate it is that the entire scripting-based computer modeling movement is totally lacking in existence on the Mac platform. Both Dynamo and Grasshopper with Rhino are completely unsupported natively on OS X. We see folks running these tools on Mac laptops presumably under Apple Boot Camp. AutoDesSys with with its formZ application is reportedly working on delivering a similar environment but part of the reason why Grasshopper and Dynamo have become popular is because of their openness.

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