
Autodesk updates AutoCAD 360 Mobile to version 2.1

Autodesk has updated the product formerly called AutoCAD WS (now AutoCAD 360 Mobile) to version 2.1. This latest update importantly adds stunning Apple Retina Display support for those with such Apple iOS devices (you know who you are!) (see the image below)

Notifications are an important part of the new Apps world as mobility and the cloud keep us all ever-present to all our connections and situations. Now AutoCAD AutoCAD 360 Mobile supports Notifications so you can stay informed and up-to-date with everything that is happening while away from the project or your co-workers. This means you will get pinged when:

Tapping the notification will open the relevant drawing and take you directly to the comment message so you don’t have to hunt for it. If you open your drawings on a different device you will still be able to see all of your notifications clearly in the drawings manager.

01 - Autodesk updates AutoCAD 360 Mobile, now supports Apple Retina Display

01 – Autodesk updates AutoCAD 360 Mobile, now supports Apple Retina Display

The notifications can be controlled through the notifications for push items on your device (iOS or Android).

Other Changes

There is also faster loading times for AutoCAD 360 Mobile 2.1. And for users who were wishing for screen background color control you can now change that to optimize visibility and eye conditions when working under low light or outdoors.  PDF support is improving and you can now change the unit type from the app as well.

The update is free and you can learn more here.

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