Nemetschek Vectorworks, Inc., a subsidiary of German AEC software giant Nemetschek AG, has announced that Vectorworks Architect 2013 has achieved certification from buildingSMART International for the BIM data exchange standard IFC 2×3 Coordination View 2.0.
With this certification Vectorworks Architect has demonstrated support for the open standard behind Open BIM. Coordination View 2.0 demonstrations compliance with strict standards of interoperability of BIM data for the support of architectural exchange requirements. IFC Interfaces are delivered with Vectorworks Architect 2013 and are automatically installed, as they are fully integrated into the software.
“This certification is one more step in our commitment to supporting Open BIM workflows for our customers,” said Sean Flaherty, CEO of Nemetschek Vectorworks. “We understand the importance of offering dependable collaboration in balance with design freedom, analysis tools and documentation capabilities so that all stakeholders in a project can easily work together.”
01 – The new Create Detail Viewport feature streamlines the process of creating details utilizing the standard Viewport tools in Vectorworks.
Managed by buildingSMART International, Industry Foundation Classes (IFC) is a neutral exchange format, not controlled by any single software vendor. As such, it provides a robust way to exchange BIM models between various software programs.
The certification Coordination View 2.0 IFC Export will be available with Vectorworks Architect 2013 Service Pack 4, which will be released later this month.
For more information about buildingSMART International and IFC, please visit: