
Ultimate iPad Guide: Utility and Tools Apps for Architects

Utility and Tools Apps for Architects

This is a broad-based category that theoretically could include far more apps than those listed below. Our intention has been to focus on some of the better options and more interesting choices available. We are particularly interested in informational and calculation-based tools for architects, as well as apps that architects could use possibly in the field or in the design studio. Some of the apps are presentation or portfolio-based tools that tie into Web apps or sites.

When it comes to the utility and tools category just about anything could go here, so long as it doesn’t fit more neatly into our previous guides. Here are some of the apps we want to draw your attention to.

We think a professional like an architect–especially in this global economy–may need a solid unit conversion calculator. There is simply no cooler one than Convert Units Free HD. (see image 01 below). A beautiful UI, customization capability and more make this app great. And it’s free!

01 - Convert Units Free HD is one slick conversion app and a great thing to have in your arsenal.

02 - Soulver for iPad is a unique calculation application that mixes computation with a paper-solving equation process.

03 - Apple's Keynote app is a star app in the Mac and iOS ecosystem.

We also think an architect needs a really good general calculator on their iPad. inchCALC+ is the best feet-and-inch calculator for US and other imperial-units based pros. There is an iPhone version as well. For those who are doing engineering, energy or complex calculations work PCalc is likely the very best, and it does RPN too. But we think the really interesting app in this genre is Soulver for iPad (see image 02 above). The reality is you likely will want a few of these calculators, in addition to the one built into the iOS itself.

Finally, architects need to make presentations on a regular basis. More and more are doing them on screen using tools like PowerPoint. But Mac users have had a better version of PowerPoint for years in Steve Jobs’ personally made app Keynote. The iOS version is feature-packed and works with the cloud. Now you can carry your iPad to conferences, client offices and other locations and put on beautifully crafted project presentations or talks. (see image 03).

The List (16 Apps)

Here is our list of top utilities and tools apps for architects which don’t quite fit the other categories (or the ones following this guide) and have a possibly big benefit to an architect’s daily practice life. Again, if we have somehow missed a great app that should be in this category, please email us. Without further ado:

The Gem in the  Group

While there are some interesting apps in this group–and even a mention of a really super Mac and PC app in our mention of Reflection which puts your iOS device on your desktop–the gem app in this group falls to Morpholio. Made by the same folks behind Morpholio Trace, this app works on your iPad and dovetails with your Morpholio Project space on the web-based app for architects.

04 - Morpholio is a special kind of app that dovetails with a web-application platform truly developed for architects by architects.

Morpholio was created by architects and is a feedback and presentation platform on the Web. With it architects can create portfolio spaces, share and gain feedback on their works all online. The user interface is quite beautiful as well.

next page: Apps for the Control of Building Systems (2 Apr published)

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