Nemetschek Vectorworks, Inc., has announced today the next version of its popular CAD and BIM software line, Vectorworks 2013. The powerful and intuitive new software series includes: Vectorworks Designer, Vectorworks Architect, Vectorworks Landmark, Vectorworks Spotlight, Vectorworks Fundamentals and Renderworks, its rendering software add-on.
“The world of design is changing. BIM has a continuously growing influence on the AEC Industry, cloud technology is adding freedom and convenience to the design process and the competitive economy is increasing the need to create stunning presentations to win business,” said Sean Flaherty, CEO of Nemetschek Vectorworks. “Whether you’re an architect, a landscape professional or an entertainment designer, we know your process as a designer is evolving. With Vectorworks 2013, you’ll discover new tools and forms of collaboration to support your design practice, streamline your workflows and improve your efficiency.”
01 - Vectorworks 2013 features the new Clip Cube. This new 3D navigation tool enables you to interactively dig into your BIM models in section, model on them and explore them in interactive 3D. The Clip Cube can help you isolate elements for easier access for working on them.
The Vectorworks 2013 product line includes more than 80 improvements, including new commands and tools. “Feedback from our users is one of the most important resources we have to identify opportunities for improvement, and this release of Vectorworks software reflects the requests we’ve received from designers who use the program every day,” said Dr. Biplab Sarkar, Chief Technology Officer of Nemetschek Vectorworks. “We’ve improved our 3D modeling capabilities, added new file export options for greater interoperability and enhanced the performance of several key functions.”
Major Improvements to Vectorworks 2013 Software
- Better BIM — Vectorworks Architect includes a new Auto Hybrid tool which allows users to graphically convert complex, free-formed modeling forms into proper 2D presentation of data. Roof forms have been completely re-engineered based on the Parasolid modeling kernel. Also doors and windows gain tags and more advanced options.
- Best-in-Class 3D — Nemetschek touts its best-in-class 3D modeling based on its advanced Seimens Parasolid modeling engine. New in this release are the new Clip Cube mode of 3D navigation (see more below) and its Surface Array command for create complex roof systems, curtain walls and stadia.
- Integrated Rendering — A big change in rendering is sustained background rendering, meaning users can render in the background while continuing to work on the BIM or 3D model in the foreground. There is also new physical sun and sky backgrounds and a broad array of new Arroway Textures in the texture library
- Interoperability Improvements — Besides excellent IFC enhancements for OpenBIM, there is new file support for Rhino 3DM, DWF, FBX, COLLADA and gbXML making Vectorworks the most interoperable design software platform
- Improved Efficiencies — A big new feature is the new hyperlinks enabling links to URLs, programs and even intra-application file support, plus there is faster overall navigation throughout
02 - The new Surface Array tool adds the ability to do advanced curtain walls, roof systems, stadia designs, etc.
03 - The perspective tool now features full-screen mode while also allowing you to edit the boundary for viewport creation.
The English-language version of Vectorworks 2013 will be available for download later this week, and will begin shipping later this week. Localized versions will be available in the coming months. To learn more visit here.