AutoDesSys has announced a new open standard developed through collaboration with the developer of Wild Tools for PowerCADD. OpenClip is a new technology that enables seamless integration of PowerCADD into formZ and the new bonzai 3D.
The ability to copy and paste 2D vector drawing data into 3D programs has always been difficult and required extra time, planning and sometimes work-arounds. Now with the new OpenClip technology plugin you can actually copy and paste precision vector objects from one program to another.
OpenClip technology enables seamless copy and paste of 2D vectorial data from PowerCADD on the Mac to formZ or bonzai 3D. Once inside these program you can execute a simple extrude function to generate 3D walls.
The OpenClip plugin is free and available for those who are on the Mac platform and use PowerCADD 8 and either formZ 6.7 or bonzai 3D 2.0.
To try this feature out if you do not have bonzai 3D or formZ simply download a trial of bonzai 3D here.