Symscape’s Caedium has now been released for the Mac OS X platform. The computer-aided engineering (CAE) application was previously on Windows and Linux. Caedium for Mac is one of only a few CFD, FEA, CAE applications on the Mac OS X platform.
Computer-aided engineering applications were more commonly on the Mac back in the Mac’s heydays (early 90’s) and not many have been maintained on the platform since the late 90’s. With Apple’s continued resurgence and popularity even rarefied domains like CFD (computational fluid dynamics) have started to return to the Mac. These are precisely the types of tools that surround large-scale mechanical engineering (MCAD) enterprises which itself is beginning to take a turn back to the Mac as can be seen by the recent announcements from SolidWorks Corporation.
Caedium for Mac OS X
Caedium 2.1 is available for Mac OS X 10.5 (Leopard) and 10.6 (Snow Leopard) in addition to Windows and Linux and is built on a robust cross-platform architecture. Functionally the Mac version is identical to the other platform versions so engineers can choose which hardware platform to run their CFD simulations on. Future updates will be rolled out simultaneously for all platforms.
Caedium for Mac OS X - brings CFD to Mac platform. Computer-aided engineering (CAE) picks up some steam on Apple's Mac platform.
New enhancements in 2.1 include better 3D selection, the properties panel and geometry creation for all platforms. Some details:
- Improved 3D selection and shortcut key conveniences
- The properties panel now switches tabs and expands new properties when altering aspects to the analysis, eg: when dragging and dropping an inlet boundary condition onto a face
- ASCII point sets can be imported as vertices and groups for easy spline fitting, which is ideal for defining airfoils
- Creation of rectangular grid as the basis for easy geometry placement and construction.
To learn more visit their website here: