
Artlantis 3 is rolled out by Abvent

The Abvent Group has announced the launch of Artlantis 3. Recognized as one of the leaders in photo-realistic rendering, the new Artlantis unveils numerous improvements and new features.

Artlantis 3 and Artlantis Studio 3

Abvent has improved its photo-realistic rendering with an improved radiosity engine which is even faster than the previous version. There is also new management capabilities by layers, better management of media and simplified controls for lighting.

Artlantis 3 has a new transparency slider that works with billboards and plants. There is no longer any need for photo editing. You can now detach elements of the 3D model and keep them as internal components in your 3D scene using the polygon selection tool. With Artlantis 3 you can search for and replace any missing media components on your hard drive, as well as delete them.

Artlantis 3 has a new structure for layers for the management of scene objects, 3D plants, lamps, animated objects and billboards. You can also add or remove your own layers. ArchiCAD users will appreciate the ArchiCAD export plugin which allows you to select the layers you want to export to Artlantis 3.

The brand new radiosity engine is developed specifically for architecture and is both faster and more accurate. Abvent claims no other product on the market matches Artlantis 3’s radiosity engine in rendering speed and precision. Predefined settings for both interior and exterior make setting up scenes much easier for beginners while advanced users will appreciate the “expert” interface.

Now clouds can be animated in Artlantis 3 scenes by activating the wind’s parameters in the heliodon inspector. You can add movement to water with the new Water Shader, adding life to your 3D scenes with animated rivers, lakes, pools and seas.

Artlantis is now compatible with the Autodesk 2010 product line and has numerous import plugins available for many CAD and 3D programs, including ArchiCAD and Vectorworks. There is a new technology for export plugins which opens up options for OBJ, FBX, U3D, DWF and SKP files.

To learn more and see some demo videos visit Artlantis online here.

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