
AIA announces new BIM document E202-2008

E202™ is not a stand-alone AIA agreement document but must be attached as an exhibit to another AIA agreement for design, construction or services. The AIA wrote E202 specifically to foster the adoption of BIM within the design-building industry.

Practitioners from across the industry have collectively help write AIA E202 to provide a solid contractual structure for managing Building Information Modeling (BIM) across a project. This document says the AIA “creates an environment that encourages model authors to share their models with downstream users, designers contractors, schedulers, cost estimators and fabricators.”

AIA E202-2008

This document to be attached as an exhibit to either new IPD agreements or more traditional AIA agreements does all of the following:

A table in the document assigns authorship of each model element by project phase. E202-2008 was written primarily to support a project using Integrated Project Delivery (IPD). However, it can be attached to more traditional agreements.

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