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Opinion - The Reasons for Architosh
Welcome to the Architosh site! For well over a year now I have been lamenting the lack of a central source on the Internet for architects using the Macintosh platform, a place where I could go get information, news and links to important companies supporting Apple and that wonderful tool in front of us called Macintosh. At last! there is a place where we architects and designers who love the Mac can go and have fun, an onramp of sorts to the many resources now available to us on the web. I've named this site, appropriately I believe, the ArchitoshTM site. So stop bookmarking all those diverse locations on the Internet where you visit to get information to help you use the mac in the field of architecture or urban design or interiors--or what have you. It's all here! Or at least that's the idea. Which brings me, perhaps, to my most important point: this site is for you, so tell me what you want on it if its not already here. I'm sure you have ideas. During the creation of the Architosh site I discovered sites that I never even knew existed, places where I could go and should have been visiting long ago. A quick review of the major CADD software developers supporting the Macintosh operating system will illustrate the breadth and diversity of choices designers have on the Mac. So while it may seem--in some stores at least--that there is a paucity of software available for us Mac fans, a tour here will suggest otherwise! And there is much more I am sure of, things that I have missed (many more perhaps) and will need to place on this site in the fullness of time. And speaking of time--a key reason for Architosh--that item which architects never seem to have enough of, this site was created to save you time by organizing the key items you consult weekly or even daily in the course of pursuing information about the Macintosh and its use in architecture. The site is organized into four major topics: News, CADD, Applications, and Pro Mac advocacy. A second tier of valuable--but less necessary, perhaps--resources include information on the PowerPC microprocessor by the AIM alliance (Apple, IBM, Motorola), Mac OS X (ten) the future of the Mac operating system due out in late 1999, and a listing of architects using the Mac. Last but not least will be a series of opinion articles written by Mac LAN managers, CADD experts, future guest contributors, and yours truly. In addition there is ArchitoshBooks compliments of Amazon.com, which will grow over time as more titles find there way on to the list--titles which deal with applications you use all the time, and all things Macintosh. So enjoy your tour of this site. . .and check back daily. Bookmark the News section now, as I will update it almost daily, with quick links to news stories around the web and detailed coverage of press releases in the section below that. Also, please send in your suggestions, visit our ad sponsors...and, of course, share this site with your architect and Macintosh friends! And don't forget that bookmark! Thanks. Best Regards,